2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

More Beans and Cotton, Less Corn and Wheat

Cindy Zimmerman

The first estimate for crop plantings this year by USDA is calling for less corn and wheat but more soybeans and cotton. The 2017 Prospective Plantings report based on farmer surveys estimates that corn planted area for all purposes in 2017 will be 90 million acres, down 4 percent or 4.0 million acres from last year. Soybeans planted area for …

Audio, Corn, Cotton, Soybean, USDA, Wheat

#Classic17 General Session

Cindy Zimmerman

A time-honored tradition of the Commodity Classic general session is the talk show style interviewing of the sponsoring organizations’ representatives – a panel which has grown to five now with the addition of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers last year. Appearing on the stage with emcee Mark Mayfield this year were: American Soybean Association president Ron Moore of Illinois National …

AEM, ASA, Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn, NAWG, NCGA, NSP, sorghum, Wheat

Wheat and Sorghum Producers Honor Sen. Roberts

Cindy Zimmerman

The chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee was honored by both wheat and sorghum producers this week in Washington. Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS) was presented with the National Sorghum Producers 2017 “Friend of Sorghum” Congressional Award in recognition of his long-running work representing the U.S. Sorghum producers. “Senator Roberts is a formidable champion for U.S. farmers,” said Don Bloss, NSP …

sorghum, Wheat

First Wheat Yield Contest Winners in 20 Years

Cindy Zimmerman

The winners of the first National Wheat Yield Contest in 20 years used new techniques, advanced seed varieties, and innovative production practices to produce an average of 135 bushels per acre. The National Wheat Foundation recently announced the winners of the 2016 National Wheat Yield Contest, sponsored by Monsanto, BASF, John Deere, and Winfield, which drew nearly 170 entrants. The …


US Challenges Chinese Quotas for Rice, Wheat, and Corn

Cindy Zimmerman

The Obama Administration has launched a new trade enforcement action against the People’s Republic of China over tariff-rate quotas (TRQs) for rice, wheat, and corn. The complaint was filed with the World Trade Organization (WTO) by the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR). “China’s TRQ policies breach their WTO commitments and limit opportunities for U.S. farmers to export …

Corn, Rice, Trade, Wheat

Custom Wheat Harvesting – A Family Affair

Jamie Johansen

Tracey Zeorian was only 12 years old the first time she traveled along the custom wheat harvesting highway. Her passion for custom wheat harvesting was instilled in her by her grandparents and you could say the rest is history. Once married, she and her husband quickly knew they too wanted to follow in her families footsteps and first loaded up …

Agribusiness, Audio, FFA, Harvest, New Holland, Wheat

FFA Takes Lessons from Great American Wheat Harvest

Jamie Johansen

The story of custom wheat harvesters is one of a kind. That is the simple reason Conrad Weaver quickly grew passionate about telling their story. The Great American Wheat Harvest documentary shares the story of the hard working folks who harvest the wheat we use daily and Conrad knew FFA members from across the country could learn many life lessons …

Ag Groups, Audio, FFA, New Holland, Wheat

Join Us & Great American Wheat Harvest for #TransformFFA

Jamie Johansen

This week thousands of FFA members will flood the streets of Indianapolis for the 89th National FFA Convention. We will be there to cover as much of the happenings as possible thanks to New Holland Agriculture. Check back daily for added content and as always, AgNewsWire.Agwired.com will compile all audio and photos to make it that much easier. While in …

Ag Groups, FFA, Harvest, New Holland, Wheat

Some Changes in USDA Crop Forecast

Cindy Zimmerman

The September crop forecast out today from USDA decreases the corn crop a bit, but increases both soybeans and cotton. Corn production is now forecast at 15.1 billion bushels, down less than one percent from the August forecast, but still 11 percent more than last year and still expected to be a record. “Based on conditions as of September 1, …

Corn, Cotton, Soybean, USDA, Wheat

#IFAJ2016 Tour – Part 11 – Bayer Wheat

Chuck Zimmerman

In this next episode of my stories from the 2016 IFAJ Congress Bayer Tours we’re going to learn about wheat production. In this ForwardFarm tour stop Cristiane Henk talks about Bayer crop protection products for wheat on the Damianshof Farm. Wheat is the biggest crop in the world in case you didn’t know that. Wheat can be affected by many …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, IFAJ, Video, Wheat