2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Disease Management for Wheat

Cindy Zimmerman

With global demand for wheat up to more than 25 billion bushels, proper disease management in wheat and cereals is more important than ever and that was a hot topic at the 2009 Commodity Classic in Texas this week. BASF hosted a panel at the conference to examine how today’s technology can help manage disease in wheat and cereals to …

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, New Holland, Wheat

Classic as Big as Texas

Cindy Zimmerman

The farm economy is apparently not hurting as much as other sectors, since attendance at the 2009 Commodity Classic is expected to be as good or better than last year. According to the conference organizers, pre-registrations by the end of last week were virtually the same as last year, although the number of farmers registered was already higher. Now, that …

BASF, Commodity Classic, Corn, NCGA, New Holland, sorghum, Soybean, Wheat

MGEX to Close Trading Pits

Cindy Zimmerman

After a long history of futures and options open outcry trading, the Minneapolis Grain Exchange is closing its trading pits effective December 19, 2008. The decision to make the transition to exclusively electronic trading was unanimously approved by the MGEX Board of Directors and is pending MGEX ownership approval. According to a MGEX release, the decision comes after an exhaustive …


Commodity Panel at AEM Ag Exec Forum

Cindy Zimmerman

Three commodity organization representatives attempted to answer the question on everyone’s mind right now regarding commodity trends – where are we headed? Steve Censky of the American Soybean Association, Fred Stemme with the National Corn Growers Association and Alan Tracy of US Wheat Associates all made presentations and took questions from the audience at the Association of Equipment Manufacturers AgExecutive …

AEM, Audio, Corn, Soybean, Wheat

USW Officers Assume Duty

Melissa Sandfort

The U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) Board of Directors honored wheat producer Ron Suppes, Dighton, Kan., as he turned over the Chairman’s gavel to Michael Edgar, Yuma, Ariz., at its annual meeting July 28, 2008, in Kansas City, Mo. Also at the meeting, Janice Mattson, Chester, Mont., assumed the duties of Vice Chairman, while Don Schieber, Ponca City, Okla., assumed the …


Cookbook Targets Nutrition for Children

Laura McNamara

The Wheat Food Council is celebrating its 35th anniversary and wants to use the milestone to help promote nutrition for children. That’s why the council is releasing a cookbook that’s meant to benefit a non-profit organization dedicated to influencing children’s eating habits through education. In celebration of its 35th anniversary, the Wheat Foods Council today unveiled Food for Thought from …

Ag Groups, Food, International, Podcasts, Wheat

The 3 Amigos on Stage

Chuck Zimmerman

Each year at the Commodity Classic general session we get to hear from the Presidents of the participating associations. Here they are on stage involved in an interactive discussion with moderator John Phipps. Pictured left to right are John Hoffman, ASA, Ron Litterer, NCGA and John Thaemert, NAWG. John starts out wondering how in the world these three guys got …

Ag Groups, Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn, New Holland, Soybean, Wheat

Getting Science on the Seed

Cindy Zimmerman

Dr. Dirk Voeste from BASF Crop Protection Headquarters in Germany enlightened the media at Commodity Classic on the process of getting science on the seed at BASF. According to Dirk, BASF seed treatment means protection plus vitality. He discussed the BASF concept of the German word “Verbund.” “Verbund is not translated,” he explained. “It means really the linkage of expertises …

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Corn, New Holland, Seed, Soybean, Technology, Wheat

Headline in 2007 Meant Millions More Bushels

Cindy Zimmerman

Andy Lee is the director of business operations for US Crop Protection at BASF. In this position, he oversees all sales and marketing functions for BASF inthe US crop protection market. In his presentation at BASF’s “Science Behind Seed Treatments” media symposium at the 2008 Commodity Classic in Nashville, Andy told the ag journalists that they are the answer to …

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Corn, Seed, Soybean, Wheat