Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy

Cindy Zimmerman

This is the first of a four part series on Nutrient Management sponsored by FS/GROWMARK In March of 2013, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency hosted a meeting of stakeholders to announce the beginning of a statewide Nutrient Reduction Strategy. Marcia Willhite, chief of the Illinois EPA Bureau of Water, says the first step in implementing this strategy was to get …

Audio, Conservation, GROWMARK, Water

Ag Leader Focuses on Seed, Water, and Nutrient Management

Leah Guffey

The first Ag Leader Technology Tech Meets Dirt Road Tour around Illinois is now history now and it seems like it was a big success. I attended the event near Peoria and was able to chat with presenters in each of the main focus areas – seed, water, and nutrient management. Matt Cannon, a farmer from central Iowa, talked about …

Ag Leader, Audio, Precision Agriculture, Seed, Technology, Water

McCarthy’s Comments on WOTUS in Missouri

Jamie Johansen

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy addressed the Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City yesterday. Her goal was to defend and explain the Administration’s proposed rules defining Waters of the United States (WOTUS) under the Clean Water Act (CWA). In a media call on Wednesday before her trip concerns were expressed from those in attendance. During her speech yesterday, she …

Ag Groups, Conservation, Environment, Water

NCGA Thanks President for Signing WRRDA

Jamie Johansen

The National Corn Growers Association thanked President Obama for signing the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014. This final reauthorization bill, which will improve the reliability and efficiency of the U.S. inland waterways system, was passed by the House on May 20 and the Senate on May 22. “This legislation provides an important step toward the infrastructure improvements …

Ag Groups, Corn, NCGA, transportation, Water