2017 Deer Hunt – Can-Am Defender – Episode 2

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome from the Crystal Pig Hunt Club (CPHC). It’s time for another episode of hunting with a Can-Am Defender. In this episode my brother Paul and I talk about our experience using the utility vehicle in the woods while deer hunting. You’ll hear nothing but praise for this well thought out vehicle which makes it very comfortable to …

Can-Am, Hunting, Video

President Trump to Address Farm Bureau

Cindy Zimmerman

Next month, for the first time in 26 years, the President of the United States will address the membership of the largest general farm organization in the country. Donald J. Trump, the 45th president of the United States, will address farm and ranch families from across the nation at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 99th Annual Convention, Jan. 5-10 in …

AFBF, AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Video

House Ag Committee Launches Farm Bill Website

Cindy Zimmerman

The House Agriculture Committee is ready to get to work on the 2018 Farm Bill, so Chairman Mike Conaway (TX-11) today announced the launch of a new online farm bill resource designed to provide updates and information. “I’m committed to completing a farm bill on time. We’ve spent the past three years preparing—holding 113 hearings and six listening sessions around …

Farm Bill, Video

2017 Deer Hunt – John Deere Gator – Episode 2

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to episode number two of a series of videos and posts I’m doing, along with other members of our Crystal Pig Hunt Club (CPHC), throughout the Georgia deer hunting season. We’re well into this year’s season and have been out on the property several times. I’m making plans for at least one more trip this year, keeping …

Hunting, John Deere, Video

Bayer Helps Fund ASTA Communications Efforts

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) unveiled a new video at the CSS 2017 & Seed Expo to help explain plant breeding innovations in a brief and entertaining way. The video is one of the communications efforts that ASTA partner Bayer has helped to support. Bayer seed traits and seed treatments management lead Brad May, who serves on the ASTA …

ASTA, Audio, Bayer, Video

ZimmCast from 2017 NAFB Convention

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello from Kansas City, MO where the ZimmComm team is attending the National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) convention. Cindy and Jamie are here with me. We’re set up in the Broadcast Center behind the golden AgWired table cloth, so we’re easy to find. Late yesterday we decided to record this week’s program and also let a camera run for …

Audio, NAFB, Video, ZimmCast

New TV Ad Recognizes President’s Support for Rural Communities

Chuck Zimmerman

President Trump’s support for biofuels is getting some recognition. The nation’s top renewable fuel advocates have launched a new television ad recognizing President Trump’s steadfast support for rural communities, farmers, and workers in the biofuel sector. The ad responds directly to oil industry attacks on the president for his long-standing commitment to growth under the federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). …

Biofuels, Energy, Ethanol, Video

2017-18 National FFA Officer Team Elected

Cindy Zimmerman

Students from Arizona, California, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky and Oklahoma were elected to serve on the 2017-18 National FFA Officer team. Breanna Holbert, an agricultural education major at California State University of Chico, made history as the first female African American elected as National FFA president. Her fellow officers include: National Secretary – Erica Baier, agricultural education major at Iowa State …

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, FFA, Video

A Bayer Phytobac Helps Farms Become More Sustainable

Chuck Zimmerman

I first learned about the Bayer Phytobac system last year while on a tour in Germany. My second look at this unique innovation to make farms for sustainable came in Germany again this year during the Future of Farming Dialog last month. With my group of journalists from North America, David Lembrich, Product Stewardship Manager at Bayer, showed us a …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Farming, pesticides, Sustainability, Video