2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Smokey Bear Is Tweeting

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s birthday time for Smokey Bear (not “The Bear”). The USDA Forest Service is preparing to celebrate the 65th birthday of an American icon – Smokey Bear – on Monday, August 10. The celebration will take place at the Whitten Building USDA headquarters in Washington D.C. The birthday party will also include the release of the new Smokey Bear Story …


USGC Partnership with USDA FAS

Cindy Zimmerman

The administrator of USDA’s Foreign Agriculture Service Michael Michener spoke to the US Grains Council delegates meeting this morning in San Diego about how the partnership between FAS and USGC helps to open markets for US agricultural products. “Over the years, FAS and the U.S Grains Council have formed a vital link between government and U.S. agriculture to maintain and …

Audio, Grains, Trade, USDA, USGC

No Request For Soybean Checkoff Referendum

Chuck Zimmerman

It looks like there was very little interest on the part of soybean growers to request a new referendum according to the results of the latest opportunity as announced by USDA. USDA received only 759 request for referendum forms at county Farm Service Agency Offices, which reflects approximately one tenth of one percent of all eligible U.S. soybean farmers. Had …

Ag Groups, Soybean, USB, USDA

New Media In USDA

Chuck Zimmerman

I don’t know if Larry Quinn is ready to rename the Broadcasters Letter, the New Media Letter, but new media is slowly but surely making its way into the USDA Office of Communications strategy. For example, I just recently met Amanda Eamich online via email. I was intrigued by her title, “Director of New Media (Acting).” Now that’s progress. So …

Audio, USDA, ZimmCast

World Ag Congress Climate Change Discussion

Cindy Zimmerman

No forum on world food security issues would be complete without a session on climate change and that was how the World Ag Congress concluded its roundtable discussions Wednesday. While the issue may be debatable, there is no question that agriculture should be taking every opportunity to decrease greenhouse gas emissions – including carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Panalist …

Audio, Fertilizer, Novus International, USDA

Soybean Request For Referendum Starts Today

Chuck Zimmerman

A request for referendum campaign kicks off today on the Soybean Promotion and Research Program. USDA is conducting it and producers have four weeks to participate. According to the United Soybean Board: The request for referendum will determine whether U.S. soybean producers want a referendum on the Soybean Promotion and Research Program. The Soybean Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Act …

Ag Groups, Soybean, USB, USDA

Thank You Larry Quinn

Chuck Zimmerman

Those of us who have attended a lot of NAFB Washington Watches over the years know that they wouldn’t be anywhere near as beneficial without the help of Larry Quinn, Assistant Director for Communications Operations, USDA. Everyone in ag communications should know Larry and for those in farm broadcasting in particular, he’s documented our “happenings” in his weekly e-newsletter for …


NAFB With Secretary Vilsack

Chuck Zimmerman

In true traditional style, NAFB members attending the Washington Watch program got their picture taken with the Secretary of Agriculture. Thank you to the USDA photographer for taking this photo for me. The full size version is in the photo album. NAFB Washington Watch 2009 Photo Album


A People’s Garden On Earth Day

Chuck Zimmerman

I think I heard something about today being Earth Day. I can’t say that it really excites me. Maybe it’s because farmers tend the land every day and view care of their property as an integral part of their life. So why do we need a special day? Maybe it’s because this day has been used by so many people …