RFA Ethanol Podcast

Ibach Sworn in, Northey Still on Hold for USDA

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue traveled to Omaha yesterday to swear-in new Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Greg Ibach in his home state. “Greg Ibach will bring experience and integrity to his new role at USDA, and carries with him the knowledge he’s gained in the dozen years he has served as Nebraska’s Director of Agriculture,” said Secretary Perdue. …

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, USDA

Secretary Sonny Attends First FFA Convention

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue attended his first National FFA Convention this week and held a press conference to take questions about various topics, prior to addressing the group’s opening general session. Perdue appeared at the press conference with six members of the FFA policy committee. “I’m looking at our House and Senate Congress behind me here,” Perdue joked. The secretary …

AgWired Animal, Audio, FFA, USDA

GIPSA Rules Withdrawn by Administration

Cindy Zimmerman

The Trump administration today announced it will withdraw controversial regulations under the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyard Administration (GIPSA) related to the buying and selling of livestock. The action includes an interim final rule that deals with harm to competition and one proposed related rule issued in the final days of the Obama administration. The interim final rule was scheduled …

AgWired Animal, Audio, Livestock, NCBA, NPPC, USDA

Secretary Perdue in Europe

Cindy Zimmerman

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue has been on a whirlwind trip around Europe for the past several days, starting with meetings in London before participating in the G-7 ministerial, taking part in World Food Day in Rome and meeting Pope Francis yesterday, and concluding his trip today in Madrid. “It’s been a very productive trip,” said Perdue during a …

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, GIPSA, Trade, USDA

Florida Citrus Production Takes Hit From Irma

Cindy Zimmerman

Just when the Florida citrus industry was hoping to rebound somewhat from the devastation caused by citrus greening in recent years, Irma came along and blew away a good part of this year’s production. The first citrus forecast for the season from USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service is calling for the all orange forecast for the 2017-2018 season to 4.34 …

Audio, Citrus, USDA

Two More USDA Nominees Get Their Hearing

Cindy Zimmerman

The Senate Agriculture Committee yesterday heard from nominees Greg Ibach to be Under Secretary of Agriculture for Marketing and Regulatory Programs and Bill Northey to be Under Secretary of Agriculture for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services. “Both Mr. Ibach and Mr. Northey have valuable ‘boots-on-the-ground’ experience. They are both farmers,” said Committee Chairman Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS). “They know what …

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, USDA

Help Finally on the Way for USDA

Cindy Zimmerman

Over five months after he took office, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue finally has some help on the way. Yesterday, the Senate voted to formally approved the nominations of Stephen Censky as Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, and Ted McKinney as Under Secretary of Agriculture for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs. “I am pleased that the U.S. Senate was able to work …

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, USDA

USDA Trade Mission Heading to Brazil

Cindy Zimmerman

A USDA Foreign Agriculture Service trade mission to São Paulo and Recife, Brazil, is underway this week with leaders from 24 U.S. agribusinesses and trade organizations looking to expand their agricultural exports and further develop their business relationships in Brazil. “Brazil holds significant untapped market potential for U.S. exporters,” said Mark Slupek, deputy administrator of the Office of Trade Programs …

AgWired Animal, Alltech, Ethanol, Exports, Trade, USDA

Senate Ag Committee Hears from USDA Nominees

Cindy Zimmerman

Nine months into the Trump Administration and the Senate Agriculture Committee just held a hearing this week on the first two nominees to help out Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue at the USDA. The committee heard from Stephen Censky, long time CEO of the American Soybean Association nominated to be Deputy Secretary of Agriculture; and Indiana Director of Agriculture Ted McKinney, …

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, USDA

Corn Progress Lagging

Cindy Zimmerman

About seven percent of the nation’s corn crop has been harvested so far, but maturity of the crop is running behind average. Less corn acres have reached the dented or mature stage than the five-year average according to the latest USDA crop progress report. With 86 percent of total corn acres dented by September 17 and mature acres at only …

Corn, USDA