2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

NCGA Scholarship Winners

Cindy Zimmerman

In partnership with BASF, the National Corn Growers Association Academic Excellence in Agriculture Scholarship Program awarded five $1,000 scholarships to undergraduate or graduate students pursuing a degree in an agriculture-related field during the 2010 Commodity Classic. Three of the five recipients were at the Classic to be honored on Friday and they are pictured here at the BASF trade show …

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, NCGA, Uncategorized

Soybean Superstar Speaks at BASF Seminar

Cindy Zimmerman

You can never get enough of the always entertaining World Soybean Yield Champion Kip Cullers. During the BASF Science Behind Soybeans seminar at the 2010 Commodity Classic on Wednesday, Kip talked about the recent trip he took to Brazil and what he learned there. “The reason I went to Brazil is because, if you want to learn something, you got …

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Soybean, Uncategorized

Zimfo Bytes

Melissa Sandfort

John Deere has stepped forward once again as a premier sponsor of National Ag Day, celebrated on the first day of spring, March 20, 2010. Syngenta Seeds, Inc., will begin selling soybean seed in EZ-Count 140,000 seed units for the 2010 planting season. T-L Irrigation Company is pleased to announce that Dan Glenn of Danvers, Ill., has earned the “Top …


USGC Is International Marketing Partner for NCGA

Chuck Zimmerman

One of the founding members of the U.S. Grains Council is the National Corn Growers Association. Attending the USGC International Marketing Conference is NCGA CEO Rick Tolman, seen here addressing one of the meetings. Rick, who worked for USGC for many years, says that NCGA considers the Grains Council their international trade partner. The two organizations have a very strong …

Ag Groups, Audio, Corn, Grains, NCGA, Uncategorized

New Holland Workmaster Debut

Cindy Zimmerman

2010 National Farm Machinery Show Photo Album New Holland’s new WORKMASTER™ tractors bear a trusted name, and the same important qualities that made the original WORKMASTER tractors so popular in the 1960s. The new Workmaster made its debut right out of the box and off the boat here at the National Farm Machinery Show. I talked with Mike Stolitca, New …

Audio, National Farm Machinery Show, New Holland, Tractor, Uncategorized

Farmland Investment Fair

Chuck Zimmerman

The annual Farmland Investment Fair put on by the Chicago Farmers is underway in Joliet, IL at the Weitendorf Agricultural Education Center. I’ll be doing back to back presentations on social media this morning with the first one starting momentarily. Please feel free to tweet us using the #ChiFarm hashtag. I appreciate it. Later on today I’ll have some interviews …


Chicago Farmers Reminder

Chuck Zimmerman

This is just a reminder that I’ll be attending and presenting at Saturday’s Chicago Farmers Farmland Investment Fair. It will be held at the Joliet Junior College Weitendorf Agricultural Education Center. I’ll be conducting two morning sessions on social media before heading to Dallas, TX for the National Biodiesel Conference where I’ll be the Biodiesel Blogger again. If you haven’t …


NOVUS Wants To Maximize Beef

Chuck Zimmerman

When it comes to communicating NOVUS International’s commitment to the beef industry Dan is the man. He’s Dan Meagher, VIce President, Sales, Americas. He was on hand at the Cattle Industry Convention to help spread the word about the company name and products for the beef industry. Dan says that NOVUS is investing in people and products. A lot of …

Agribusiness, Animal Health, Audio, Cattle Industry Conference, Novus International, Uncategorized

Drought Biggest Challenge for Stoller Australia

Joanna Schroeder

Fifteen years ago, StollerUSA opened up an office in Australia, and today Stoller Australia has demonstrated that they have many products that are beneficial for Australian growers. I caught up with Richard Emery, who runs this division during the Ag Associates Conference. He began by telling me that the country has a diverse range of crops including wheat and cotton, …

Agribusiness, Audio, Uncategorized, Wheat

Using Bio-Forge to Increase Soybean Yields

Joanna Schroeder

This week, during the Ag Associates Conference hosted by StollerUSA, I had the opportunity to talk with Mike Molnar, with Town and Country Ag. His company is a co-op working in nine counties in North Eastern Ohio and three of their locations provide full-service ag products and applications for growers. Molnar told me that he has been using Stoller products …

Agribusiness, Audio, Hay, Soybean, Uncategorized