2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Southern Peanut Growers Update

Cindy Zimmerman

The 2022 Southern Peanut Growers Conference was held once again in Panama City Beach, Florida last week, and once again we got an update from the executive directors of the Florida, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi peanut grower associations about their state situations. Questions include what the crop looks like and how many acres were planted, effects of the pandemic and …

Audio, Peanuts, SPGC

Verdesian Adds to Peanut Farmers’ Plant Health Options

Cindy Zimmerman

“The Nutrient Use Efficiency People™” at Verdesian Life Sciences are delivering a plant health lineup for peanut farmers with the addition of Primacy ALPHA®, MicroSync®, and SEED+™ GRAPHITE to their peanut product portfolio of offerings. The three products complement the peanut industry staple, Primo Power CL, a standard production protocol for peanut growers and researchers, which is always supplied as …

Nutrient Management, Peanuts, Soil, SPGC

Farm Press Peanut Efficiency Awards

Cindy Zimmerman

This year the Farm Press Peanut Efficiency Awards breakfast at the Southern Peanut Growers Conference was twice as special as winners were honored for both 2020 and 2021 because last year’s conference was canceled. Pictured first are the 2020 winners who attended the breakfast. The winners were: Mark, Tim and Michael Mullen, Lower Southeast Region; Kirk Jones, Upper Southeast Region; …

Peanuts, SPGC

Update from Senate Ag Committee Ranking Member

Cindy Zimmerman

The Ranking Member of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee paid a visit to the 22nd Annual Southern Peanut Growers Conference over the weekend to provide a policy update. Sen. John Boozman (R-AR) discussed the current status on a number of issues important to agriculture including trade, estate taxes, climate policy, infrastructure, rural broadband, WOTUS, farm bill and more. …

Audio, Peanuts, SPGC

Peanuts as a Superfood

Cindy Zimmerman

Did you know that peanuts are a “superfood”? Well, since a “superfood” is defined as a nutrient-rich food that is beneficial for health and well-being, peanuts naturally qualify. Author of Parker’s Plate and lover of food, Parker Wallace talked about the role of peanuts as a superfood and showcased her Thai Quinoa and Peanut Salad recipe at the 2019 Southern …

Audio, Peanuts, SPGC

Georgia Congressman Addresses 2019 SPGC

Cindy Zimmerman

Georgia Republican Congressman Drew Ferguson spoke to the 2019 Southern Peanut Growers Conference on Saturday about a number of topics important to farmers. Elected to Congress in 2016, Rep. Ferguson represents the third district of Georgia, southwest of Atlanta, and serves on the House Ways and Means committee. The congressman discussed trade issues, disaster aid, rural broadband and the crazy …

Audio, Peanuts, SPGC, Video

Southern Peanut Growers Meeting in Florida

Cindy Zimmerman

“Super Farmers Grow Super Peanuts” is the theme for the 21st Annual Southern Peanut Growers Conference (SPGC) in Panama City Beach, Florida this week. The three-day event provides farmers with information about peanut production, legislative issues, marketing and promotions. The event includes the Alabama Peanut Producers Association, the Florida Peanut Producers Association, the Mississippi Peanut Growers Association and the Georgia …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Peanuts, SPGC

Peanut Growers Pleased with Farm Bill Provisions

Cindy Zimmerman

Peanut industry lobbyist Bob Redding spoke with those gathered at the 2018 Southern Peanut Growers Conference about key provisions in this year’s farm bill. Important items Redding discussed included a $535 reference price and $355 marketing loan, as well as a separate peanut payment limit. Redding also spoke about storage and handling provisions, which he called a target in this …

Audio, Peanuts, SPGC

AMVAC THIMET Helps Fight Tomato Spotted Wilt

Cindy Zimmerman

AMVAC insecticide THIMET is a tried and true organophosphate for the control of sucking pests, mites and other major insects in a wide variety of crops, including peanuts. AMVAC technical service rep Wen Carter says THIMET also helps protect against tomato spotted wilt virus. “Over the past 4-5 years we’ve seen an increase in incidence of tomato spotted wilt virus …

AgWired Precision, AMVAC, Peanuts, SPGC

New FMC Fungicide for Peanuts Coming Soon

Cindy Zimmerman

FMC Agricultural Solutions joined the Southern Peanut Growers Conference family this year as a new sponsor. Regional sales rep Cindy Kurtz was pleased to attend the event and talk about what they have to offer peanut farmers, including a new fungicide with expected registration in 2019. “Lucento is going to be a fantastic product for peanut farmers in the southeast …

AgWired Precision, Audio, FMC, Fungicide, Peanuts, SPGC