RFA Ethanol Podcast

United Soybean Board Tackles Weed Resistance

Chuck Zimmerman

Bob Haselwood, Kansas soybean farmer, is the Vice Chairman of the United Soybean Board (USB) and Chuck met up with him during the 2014 American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) Convention to see what we can see from USB in the upcoming year. Bob shared that their main focus during AFBF is to talk with farmers about weed resistance. USB recently …

AFBF, Ag Groups, Soybean, USB

What’s New Sessions at Commodity Classic

Jamie Johansen

Agriculture’s newest, most innovative products and services will be showcased at the What’s New sessions at the 2014 Commodity Classic. The 19th Annual Commodity Classic is Feb. 27-March 1, along the banks of the famous River Walk in San Antonio, TX. “If you’re coming to Commodity Classic hoping to learn and gain some new ideas to take back to your …

Ag Groups, Commodity Classic, Corn, Cotton, Grains, sorghum, Soybean

Rabo AgriFinance Report From NAFB

Jamie Johansen

Rabo AgriFinance was present for the recent Trade Talk during the 2013 NAFB Convention. The company is the leading U.S. ag lender and specializes in protein to produce and inputs to oilseeds. Their expert team monitors and evaluates the global market that influences agriculture around the world. I spoke with two of the team’s analysts at the event and they …

Agribusiness, Audio, Beef, Corn, Grains, Markets, Media, NAFB, Soybean

Farm Bill Top Topic at NAFB Trade Talk

Cindy Zimmerman

For the third year in a row now, the main topic of discussion at the NAFB Trade Talk was farm bill, or lack thereof. Despite reports that high hopes are fading for a farm bill yet this year, the ag group representatives we talked to were still cautiously optimistic. “I think progress is being made and I’m still confident that …

AFBF, Ag Groups, ASA, Audio, Corn, Farm Bill, NAFB, NSP, sorghum, Soybean

14 Billion Bushels of Corn!

Cindy Zimmerman

Despite all the challenges that faced farmers this season, the nation’s corn crop is on track to be a record high 14.0 billion bushels, according to the new crop production report released today by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). NASS revised the planted corn acreage downward in the new report, but increased the yield estimate …

Audio, Corn, Soybean, USDA, Video

Commodity Classic and AG CONNECT Expo Join

Cindy Zimmerman

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers, the National Corn Growers Association and the American Soybean Association today announced a new collaborative venture that joins two leading industry trade show experiences – Commodity Classic and AG CONNECT Expo & Summit – “to provide an even better world-class experience and gathering place for all segments of agriculture.” Commodity Classic is a joint venture …

AEM, Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn, Events, Soybean

Foro PAIS Promotes Argentina’s Soy Complex

Cindy Zimmerman

Foro PAIS – Productores Agro Industriales de Soja – was born in 2011 with the purpose of promoting the Argentine soy agro-industry and we learned more about it during the IFAJ 2013 Congress. Foro PAIS Communications and Institutional Relations Director Dr. Adrián Figueroa says soybean production is a huge industry for Argentina. “Soybean production in Argentina in the last ten …

Audio, IFAJ, International, Soybean

What’s New In Herbicide Products at Bayer

Jamie Johansen

Bayer CropScience is making the fight against weeds a little easier with their soybean herbicide products. The recent Farm Progress Show was a great outlet to share the new and exciting products available for growers nationwide. Chuck spoke with Eric Peters, Soybean Herbicide Product Manager for Bayer CropScience, during the event and Eric went into more depth about Balance Bean, …

Audio, Bayer, Farm Progress Show, Herbicide, Soybean

USDA September Crop Forecast

Cindy Zimmerman

Despite a slowly maturing corn crop impacted by late summer heat, USDA upped its production forecast for the crop this year by a little bit instead of lowering it. Corn production is forecast at 13.8 billion bushels, up less than 1 percent from the August forecast and up 28 percent from 2012. If realized, this will be a new record …

Audio, Corn, Soybean, USDA

Talking Chemicals with Bayer

Jamie Johansen

Bayer’s Media Luncheon during last week’s Farm Progress Show was a great opportunity to talk with experts in both fungicide and herbicide products. Randy Myers, Fungicides Product Manager for Bayer, was on hand to talk fungicides at the recent farm show. He covers fungicides across the board, but we specifically chatted about Stratego YLD and Prosaro in regards to corn, …

Audio, Bayer, Corn, Farm Progress Show, Fungicide, Herbicide, Soybean, weed management, Wheat