StollerUSA and NSP Announce Sorghum Shootout

Lizzy Schultz

The National Sorghum Producers (NSP) announced the installment of Sorghum Shootout, a new grower program, during the 2016 Commodity Classic. The announcement was made with the support of StollerUSA, NSP’s newest gold partner and Sorghum Shootout sponsor. The Shootout, set to begin in May, is the latest installment of a yield contest held by NSP over the past three years, which …

Ag Groups, Audio, Commodity Classic, NSP, sorghum

Wheat & Sorghum Leaders Highlight Industry Issues

Lizzy Schultz

The National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) and the National Sorghum Producers (NSP) each held a press conference on issues facing their industries during the 2016 Commodity Classic. Representatives from NAWG discussed several pieces of legislation that will have a significant impact on wheat growers and industry partners, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and GMO labeling laws. Their latest efforts …

Ag Groups, Audio, Commodity Classic, NAWG, NSP, sorghum, Wheat

Vilsack Makes 7th Appearance at #Classic16

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has appeared at every Commodity Classic since he was confirmed, making this year the seventh time he has addressed corn, soybean, sorghum and wheat farmers. “Farmers are the linchpin of this country. They are the heart and soul,” said Vilsack, who concentrated much of his remarks on the importance of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) for …

Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn, sorghum, Soybean, USDA, Wheat

Julia Debes Named Communication Director at NSP

Kelly Marshall

Julia Debes will now be serving as the communications director for the National Sorghum Producers.  She will be working as associate editor for the Sorghum Grower magazine and supporting the organization through public relations and marketing communications. Debes joins NSP with eight years of experience in communications and public relations, most recently operating her own business, North Homestead Communications. Before …

Ag Groups, NSP, sorghum

Sorghum Checkoff Selects New Team Members

Kelly Marshall

The United Sorghum Checkoff Program has recently promoted and hired new team members.  The positions have been filled in the communications and high value markets departments. Faith Jurek has been serving as the communications director and has now been promoted to Consumer Communications Strategist.  She will lead consumer communications in regards to human and pet food areas of the sorghum …

Ag Groups, sorghum

Vilsack Announces Sorghum Checkoff Board Members

Kelly Marshall

Four new members have been appointed by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to serve on the United Sorghum Checkoff Program board of directors. Boyd Funk, from Garden City, Kansas; Craig Poore, of Alton, Kansas; David Fremark, from St. Lawrence, South Dakota; and Jim Massey IV from Robstown, Texas will all serve three year terms. “We are looking forward to the diverse perspectives …

Ag Groups, sorghum, USDA

Recipe Showdown Launched by Sorghum Checkoff

Kelly Marshall

If you’ve got a great recipe that uses sorghum, the Sorghum Checkoff is looking for you!  The contest goes through the month of July.  Recipes including sorghum whole or pearled grain, flour, syrup, popped, flaked or bran are welcomed. “This is a great opportunity for people to explore the benefits and versatility of cooking with sorghum,” said Doug Bice, Sorghum …


Growers Sought for Sorghum Checkoff Board

John Davis

The United Sorghum Checkoff Program Board will have four positions become vacant at the end of this year, including two positions from Kansas and the other two from an at-large seat and the other a Texas sorghum grower. As organizations in Kansas certified to nominate producers to serve on the Board, the Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, Kansas Grain Sorghum Producers …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, sorghum

Doane Releases Planting Intentions Survey Results

Talia Goes

Doane’s 2015 Planting Intentions Survey was released to subscribers and clients Friday, March 20th. Results from this year’s survey show a continuation of recent trends toward more soybeans and less corn acreage. Last year’s corn acreage declined significantly in 2014, down 4.8 million acres from the 2013 level, just a bit more than the 4.5 million acre decline implied by …

Agribusiness, Corn, sorghum, Soybean

#Classic15 Pocket Knife Ribbon Cutting

Cindy Zimmerman

Normally we video the opening ceremonies for the Commodity Classic trade show, but we were a little shorthanded this year so it was just photos. Fortunately, our gold star intern Taylor Truckey recorded enough of a sequence to enjoy the moment as the ribbon cutters were having a hard time with some dull scissors and it came down to a …

Commodity Classic, Corn, sorghum, Soybean, Video, Wheat