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Viewpoints from @USFRA Food Dialogues

Lizzy Schultz

On Tuesday night, the Mill City Museum in downtown Minneapolis was filled with conversation about agriculture at the fifth annual Food Dialogue, hosted by the US Farmers and Rachers Alliance(USFRA). The event featured seven very diverse panelists, highlighting the diverse ranges of expertise that exist within food production. Bill Gordon, fourth generation soybean farmer; Jen Haugen, a registered dietician formerly …

Agribusiness, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Farming, Food, Media, Nutrition, Social Media, USFRA

CNN Editor Discusses #AgMedia

Lizzy Schultz

2015 Ag Media Summit participants were fortunate to have the opportunity to attend three sessions given by Jan Winburn, senior editor for enterprise at CNN Digital and a writing coach with over 30 years of experience. She has coached writers that have gone on to win awards as prestigious as the Pulitzer Prize and the Ernie Pyle Award for human …

Ag Media Summit, Audio, Media, Public Relations, Social Media

I’m a Farmer Video

Chuck Zimmerman

I got a heads up from the boys and girls of the 11,000 ha Bulla Burra farms in South Australia that they have put out a new parody video about the importance of farmers feeding the world (with some big machinery and bad singing thrown in!). 12 year old Aimee and the Bulla Burra team in the Northern Mallee region …

Farming, Social Media, Video

USFRA Sponsors Brownfield Cab Convos

Cindy Zimmerman

The U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) is sponsoring a second season of Cab Conversations with Brownfield Ag News. Each week, three U.S. farmers meet on Google+ Hangout from the cab of their tractors to share insights, challenges and tips relating to the planting season with host Meghan Grebner, Anchor/Reporter for Brownfield Ag News. “Brownfield’s Cab Conversations utilizes an innovative …

Farming, Media, Social Media, Social Networking, USFRA

College Aggies Online Engage to Advocate

Jamie Johansen

Zach Hollingsworth and Kaylynn Million are part of the Dairy Science Club at Oklahoma State University. Their club was honored at the recent Animal Ag Alliance Stakeholders Summit as the 1st place team in their College Aggies Online (CAO) competition. COA is an initiative of the Alliance that connects college students from across the country who are interested in promoting …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Social Media

#NAMA15 Special Appearance – Derek Klingenberg

Chuck Zimmerman

Stories from the 2015 Agri-Marketing Conference continue as this week’s ZimmCast features a conversation by world famous farmer Derek Klingenberg. Derek made a surprise stage appearance during a general session as you can see from this photo. The only thing he told the audience was, “Shhh.” Then he sat down in his lawn chair and we watched his cattle serenade …

Animal Agriculture, Audio, Farming, NAMA, Social Media

Ask the AgriBlogger

Chuck Zimmerman

Ever since entering the online publishing business with a blog back in 2004 and then figuring out what social media channels were all about I have been frequently asked questions everywhere I go. These micro-consulting sessions have utilized a lot of my time over these years. But I’m always happy to help someone better understand the tools of the trade. …

Social Media, Social Networking

Right Relevance is Right

Chuck Zimmerman

Have you ever wondered who the influencers are in your industry? Where to find “deep relevant content?” Try Right Relevance which was founded by Vishal Mishra and Sumit Taank in August 2013. Right Relevance came to my attention via Twitter since yours truly showed up in a list of influencers for the keyword search, Agribusiness. 1039 results showed up. Check …

Internet, Social Media

5 Ways to BEEF Up Your Social Media Monitoring

Jamie Johansen

The Agricultural Relations Council (ARC) is hosting a webinar on March 17, 12:30pm – 1:30pm ET to teach you five things you can do immediately to provide more actionable intelligence to your social media monitoring. Social media monitoring is critical to any organizations ability to respond to an issue or crisis. This brand new presentation will give you tips you …

Ag Groups, ARC, Beef, Marketing, Social Media

Are You Following These Ag Journalists on Twitter

Jamie Johansen

The folks at Leaders of In-Furrow Technology (LIFT) do a great job of staying on top of agricultural trends. They have recently created a list of the 10 Agriculture Journalists to Follow on Twitter to help point their readers toward the best news and analysis throughout the industry. You might have guessed that our very own @AgriBlogger, (Chuck Zimmerman) made …

Journalism, Marketing, Social Media