2018 Seed Industry Awards

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) announced the winners of its 2018 seed industry awards last week during the Policy & Leadership Development Conference in Washington, D.C. The ASTA Distinguished Service award was presented to Osama El-Lissy, Deputy Administrator for the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service’s (APHIS) Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ). The award recognizes those whose efforts …

AgWired Precision, ASTA, Seed

ASTA Elects 2018-19 Officer Team

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) is pleased to announce its 2018-19 officer team, officially elected during the ASTA Policy & Leadership Development Conference in Washington, D.C. The members of the 2018-19 ASTA officer team are: • Chair – Jerry Flint, Corteva Agriscience™ • First Vice Chair – Wayne Gale, Stokes Seeds • Second Vice Chair — John Latham, Latham …

AgWired Precision, ASTA, Audio, Seed

ASTA Policy and Leadership Conference Next Month

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) will be in Washington, D.C. June 9-13 for the new ASTA Policy & Leadership Development Conference. This new event combines ASTA’s annual convention, which has been held each June in different locations for the past 134 years, and the organization’s annual Storm the Hill lobbying day on Capitol Hill. Educational session tracks will cover: …

ASTA, Seed

Midwest Seed Genetics Expansion and Growth Continues

Cindy Zimmerman

Midwest Seed Genetics continues its growth with four senior managers joining the team. “The addition of these highly skilled individuals underscores our resolve in building a new, high quality, high performance hybrid corn and soybean company. Midwest Seed Genetics plan is to match exemplary products and people together to provide America’s row crop farmers with new choices.” said Don Funk, …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Seed

ASTA Pleased With USDA Decision on Gene Edited Plants

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) is pleased with the clarification made by USDA last week regarding oversight of plants produced through innovative new breeding techniques, including gene editing. “The (USDA) announcement really clarifies the practice they’ve had had ongoing for the last couple of years in that products created through gene editing don’t need to go through pre-market, regulatory …

ASTA, Audio, Plant Breeding, Seed

Seed Treatment Can Harness Soil Microbes

Cindy Zimmerman

A new and improved seed treatment will soon be available for corn growers that promises to help them “be dirt rich” to reach higher yield potential. The Poncho®/VOTiVO® 2.0 system is the next generation of the top selling seed treatment, Poncho/VOTiVO, which combines a fast-acting systemic insecticide with a biological seed treatment that provides protection against nematodes. The 2.0 is …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Commodity Classic, Corn, Seed

New Bayer Cotton Varieties Focus on Yield

Cindy Zimmerman

Five new Bayer cotton varieties are available in limited quantities for 2018 planting to give growers more options. “Choosing the right variety for the right field to harvest the right yield is paramount to successfully managing a cotton crop,” says Jason Wistehuff, Bayer product manager for FiberMax® and Stoneville® cotton. “These new varieties combine with our existing variety lineup to …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Cotton, Seed

SMART Farmer Jerry Flint

Cindy Zimmerman

Jerry Flint may not technically be a farmer, but he did grow up on a farm in Ohio and his entire career has been focused on delivering new innovations to smart farmers. In addition to being vice president of regulatory affairs for Dow DuPont Agriculture Division, Flint is also first vice chair for the American Seed Trade Association, and his …

AgWired Precision, ASTA, Audio, Pioneer, Plant Breeding, Seed, USFRA

New Bayer Seed Treatment Offers Promising Yield Benefit

Carrie Muehling

Bayer is helping growers bring more value without increasing inputs with Poncho/VOTiVO 2.0. The seed treatment is designed to bring a healthier soil environment around the plant root, yielding an additional average 3.8 bushels per acre. “With Poncho/VOTiVO 2.0, you don’t have to change what you’re doing today – especially in the cost effective environment that we’re in today – …

ASTA, Audio, Bayer, Seed