Dale Minyo Speaks at Mavis Farm Stop on CTIC Tour

Cindy Zimmerman

It’s always great to see farm broadcasters as featured speakers at events, so it was fun to see our good friend Dale Minyo with the Ohio Ag Net as luncheon speaker at the Conservation Technology Information Center tour August 9 in Northwest Ohio. Dale talked about the importance of messaging for agriculture. “Sometimes we’ve got to clear up the message,” …

Audio, Conservation, CTIC, Precision Agriculture

Walking Away From Wyffels Corn Strategies With INTEGRA Display

Chuck Zimmerman

During the Wyffels Corn Strategies in Malcom, Iowa, Ag Leader Technology held a drawing for an INTEGRA™ Display. Our young farmer in the photo did the name drawing. The winner is Jeff Peterson of Port Byron, IL. He’s flanked by Rick Hofer, Iowa Territory Manager (left) and Travis Goedken, Minnesota Territory Manager. That’s a nice prize to go home with! …

Ag Leader, Audio, Precision Agriculture

Lightsquared Threat To GPS

Chuck Zimmerman

I spent a lot of my career in the broadcasting business and never saw the Federal Communications Commission take action like they have been on the proposal from a company called Lightsquared to utilize high-powered, close-proximity transmissions from a network of ground stations that would cause substantial interference with GPS signals.. It is unheard of for them to allow a …

Agribusiness, Audio, Internet, Precision Agriculture, Technology

Precision Gets Social

Chuck Zimmerman

Social media was part of the buzz at the InfoAg Conference this year. The conference is held every other year. This means that since the last one we’ve had a new iPhone, the iPad and Android! I’ve got some interesting stories to post on our Precision Pays website that include how a new company is using the iPad for precision …

Precision Agriculture, Social Networking

USDA May Get Precision Ag Data

Chuck Zimmerman

I have now moved from Nebraska to Illinois for the 2011 InfoAg Conference. This is all about precision agriculture so most of our coverage will be found on Precision Pays. Thanks to Cindy we have coverage already started since I was a little slow moving this morning. Here’s her report on the opening session: The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Acreage …

Audio, Precision Agriculture, USDA

InfoAg 2011 Conference App

Chuck Zimmerman

This is the newest app on my iPhone and will be on my Android phone later this morning. It’s the InfoAg 2011 Conference app. The InfoAg 2011 Conference, hosted at Springfield Illinois’ Crowne Plaza, from July 12-14th, is pleased to add a digital Conference Companion available exclusively for the InfoAg 2011 exhibitors and attendees. Designed to supplement the online conference …

Apps, Precision Agriculture

Save Our GPS Coalition Expands

Cindy Zimmerman

The Coalition to Save Our GPS is growing as new evidence mounts that a proposed communications network would interfere with GPS systems. New agriculture industry members of the coalition include AGCO, Agricultural Retailers Association, National Agricultural Aviation Association, National Cotton Council of America, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, North American Equipment Dealers Association, and USA Rice Federation. A report was …

Audio, Farming, GROWMARK, Precision Agriculture

Proposal Could Cost Farm GPS Users

Cindy Zimmerman

A company that wants to create a new, integrated wireless broadband/satellite network is facing opposition from agricultural global positioning system (GPS) providers and users. As we reported on Precision Pays, Virginia-based company LightSquared has proposed to set up 40,000 wireless broad-band stations across the nation on a frequency that is right next to the one used by GPS. Opposition to …

GROWMARK, John Deere, Leica Geosystems, New Holland, Precision Agriculture, Technology

MyWay RTK Introduces Andy Hill as GM

Melissa Sandfort

MyWay RTK LLC – a precision farming technologies company that specializes in open-technology RTK (Real Time Kinematic) – introduced industry veteran, Andy Hill, as the new General Manager. Hill comes from Premier Technologies, Inc., bringing with him 20 years industry experience in precision farming and agriculture. With its territory already blanketing the entire state of Illinois and quickly expanding in …

Precision Agriculture