Ag Leader and Deere & Company have announced a licensing agreement for Precision Planting’s SeedTube and related planting products. The agreement states that Ag Leader, a precision competitor, may use Deere technologies and licenses to manufacture and sell the Precision Planting SeedTubes and related technology, including vSet, vDrive and DeltaForce. Of course, this is contingent on Deere’s acquisition of Precision …
GROWMARK System Recognized for Ag Data Transparency
GROWMARK has become the first agricultural cooperative system to earn the “Ag Data Transparent” seal for ag technology providers, which recognizes GROWMARK for its transparency working with farmers and the standards of privacy and security of data. The Ag Data Transparency seal recognizes the GROWMARK System’s commitment to growers on how farm data is collected, where and how it’s stored …
Global Update on BASF Maglis
BASF held the global launch of Maglis at the 2016 Commodity Classic and the global media got an update on the online agricultural platform during a press event last week in Germany. Dr. Matthias Nachtmann, head of BASF’s agIT project team, says they had a good initial launch of the Maglis Customer Navigator in North America. “We’re really excited by …
Iowa Home to New Ag Tech Accelerator
Iowa is the new home of a new startup business accelerator: Ag Tech Accelerator (The Accelerator). Four investors have provided funding for the initiative including DuPont Pioneer, Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Company, John Deere and Peoples Company. Each company has committed to providing $100,000 for the first year. The Accelerator was announced by the Greater Des Moines Partnership and the …
Disruptive Innovation Goes Beyond Silicon Valley
When many people hear the term disruptive innovation, they think of Silicon Valley start-ups in the 90s that changed the way we deliver information and communicate. But like many things born in California, disruptive innovation is just not limited to Silicon Valley and technology parks. Coined in 1995 by Clayton M. Christensen, disruptive innovation describes a process by which a …
StarFire 6000 Receiver Shines at #JDReveal
Nearly 16 years ago, John Deere set the farming world aflame with the StarFire guidance system. This year, the company has taken satellite-based guidance to new heights with the introduction of the StarFire 6000 receiver and SF3 signal. “One of the biggest new features is a new differential correction signal called our SF3,” said Deere Product Marketing Manager Jerred Karnei, …
GMO Infographic Shows Impact on Water Conservation
GMO Answers released a new infographic to educate consumers about how GMOs help conserve water usage in agriculture in honor of World Water Week. Water is one of the most important factors in producing food, fuel and fiber, and preserving water is critical to agriculture’s sustainability. With changing weather patterns and an increased number of widespread droughts – water conservation …
International Drone Expo 2016 – New & Upgraded Activations
International Drone Expo (IDE) has new and upgraded show activations for 2016. IDE will host its first annual Drone Race Cup, a pitchfest competition and film showcase. The third annual IDE is set to take place December 9-10, 2016 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. The Championship IDE drone race cup is one of the few sanctioned in Los Angeles. …
#IFAJ2016 Bayer Tour – Part 7 – Application Tech – Nozzles
In this episode of my series on touring Bayer CropScience during the IFAJ Congress in Germany the focus will continue on application technology. This time specifically on spray nozzles. Ralph-Burkhardt Toews, Bayer Application Technology Manager, gave a field demonstration using different types of nozzles. In the first part of the demonstration he shows the difference between standard spray nozzles vs …
The @JohnDeere Customer Solutions Plan
During this year’s InfoAg Conference I met John Teeple, Director, Technology – Precision Ag Solutions, John Deere. John covers a lot of territory with his position. I asked John how John Deere is working in the precision ag sector to help farmers become more efficient while planting, spraying and harvesting. He says they look at it from three angles. “John …