2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Novus International Announces Beef Industry Commitment

Chuck Zimmerman

Novus International announced its commitment to the beef industry today at the Cattle Industry Convention. They held a press conference this afternoon and I spoke with Gary Winter, Ruminant Sales Manager, North America afterward. I’m also posting the full press conference for you in case you’d like to listen in. Gary has been with the company for about ten years. …

Agribusiness, Animal Health, Audio, Cattle Industry Conference, Novus International

Qualisoy Improving Feed for Poultry

Cindy Zimmerman

Philip Lobo and Mandy Heth are representing the Qualisoy program of the United Soybean Board here at the International Poultry Expo/International Feed Expo in Atlanta, talking to poultry producers about the ways they are working to make soybean meal even better for birds. “We’ve just recently developed a special soybean that is going to deliver a soybean that has more …

Audio, Novus International, Poultry, Poultry Expo, Soybean, USB

Meet Wally at Novus International Booth

Chuck Zimmerman

We’re going to get to know the Novus beef team even more tomorrow when they make some major announcements. They’re also sponsoring AgWired coverage of the Cattle Industry Convention. At the opening of the NCBA Trade Show I stopped by their booth and spoke with Stephanie Gable. Stephanie also introduced me to Wally, the mechanical steer that you can see …

Agribusiness, Animal Health, Audio, Cattle Industry Conference, Novus International, Video

Good Gut Health for Poultry

Cindy Zimmerman

Gut health is important for poultry producers, not just for the health and performance of their flocks, but also from the standpoints of food safety and animal welfare – probably two of the most important issues for the animal agriculture industry as a whole. I talked with Novus International poultry veterinarian Dr. Marco Quiroz about the importance of poultry producers …

Animal Health, Audio, Novus International, Poultry, Poultry Expo

Poultry President Pleased With Expo

Cindy Zimmerman

The president of the US Poultry and Egg Association is pretty pleased with the turnout at this year’s International Poultry Expo, which looks to be better than a year ago, despite the condition of the economy. “This is our 62nd show here in Atlanta,” John Starkey told me during an interview in the media room overlooking the trade show floor. …

Audio, Novus International, Poultry, Poultry Expo

There’s an App for IPE


How many times have you gone to a conference and found yourself constantly having to pick up a new program because you lost the one you had? Well, the International Poultry Expo has made things easy this year with an iPhone app. The IPE app is free and gives attendees access to all events and exhibitor information right on their …

International, Novus International, Poultry, Poultry Expo, Social Networking, Technology

FeatherFest 2010


Rotten Egg or Egg-straordinary? This year the U.S. Poultry and Egg Association has partnered with Atlanta to find the city’s most popular and best poultry dishes. New to the International Poultry Expo, Featherfest is a week long culinary event that showcases 51 of Atlanta’s restaurants to see who can make the best appetizers, entrees, and desserts based on poultry meat …

International, Novus International, Poultry, Poultry Expo

Bioavailability is Key to Chelated Trace Minerals

Cindy Zimmerman

When it comes to chelated trace minerals, Dr. Jim Richards with Novus International is a serious expert, and this is no simple subject. “When you chelate a trace mineral, you basically react it with an organic mineral called a ligand,” says Jim, who is Novus Manager of Cell Biology Research. Now, that likely means very little to the cell biology …

Animal Health, Audio, Novus International, Poultry, Poultry Expo

History of Poultry Feed Management

Cindy Zimmerman

The International Poultry Scientific Forum is held in conjunction with the International Poultry Expo each year and is sponsored by the Southern Poultry Science Society, the Southern Conference on Avian Diseases, and the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association. As part of that event, Novus International hosts a luncheon and speaker for the attendees on a topic of general interest to …

Animal Health, Audio, Novus International, Poultry, Poultry Expo

Welcome to Poultry Expo 2010

Cindy Zimmerman

The 2010 International Poultry Expo/Feed Expo is getting underway here in Atlanta with associated conferences today, including the Poultry Scientific Forum, Pet Food Conference and Animal Agriculture Environmental Sustainability Summit. Our sponsor, Novus International, is hosting a seminar/luncheon for expo attendees entitiled “Historical Perspectives in Poultry Feed Management,” presented by Dr. Steve Leeson from the University of Guelph. About 200 …

Feed, Novus International, Poultry, Poultry Expo