Meet New NCGA President Tom Haag

Cindy Zimmerman

Minnesota farmer Tom Haag is the new president of the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), starting his term on October 1. Haag farms corn and soybeans in Eden Valley with his son Nathan and has been farming for over 40 years. He has has served on the Minnesota Corn Growers Association board since 2010 and on the NCGA board since …

Audio, Corn, Ethanol, NCGA

CUTC is Back in Person

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) will once again host its biennial Corn Utilization and Technology Conference (CUTC) in person, June 6-8 in Chesterfield, Missouri. The conference answers the question of how can the industry produce more quality corn, build new markets and continue to create opportunities for agriculture. While the ag industry can often be the target of unfavorable …


#Classic22 Association Leaders on Stage

Cindy Zimmerman

The 2022 Commodity Classic once again featured the leaders of each organization during the general session with emcee Mark Mayfield. Joining Mayfield were (LtoR) National Corn Growers Association president Chris Edgington; National Association of Wheat Growers president Dave Milligan; National Sorghum Producers chairman Kody Carson; American Soybean Association president Brad Doyle; and Association of Equipment Manufacturers ag sector chair Todd …

AEM, Ag Groups, ASA, Audio, Corn, NAWG, NCGA, NSP

Commodity Group CEOs Meet the Press at #Classic22

Cindy Zimmerman

The CEOs of the commodity groups that make up the Commodity Classic, together with the Association of Equipment Manufacturers, met the press this week to discuss a variety of issues impacting the industry. American Soybean Association CEO Steve Censky, National Corn Growers Association CEO Jon Doggett, National Sorghum Producers CEO Tim Lust, National Association of Wheat Growers CEO Chandler Goule, …

ASA, Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn, NAWG, NCGA, NSP, sorghum, Soybean, Wheat

In Person #Classic22 is Big Success in Big Easy

Cindy Zimmerman

New Orleans is the place to be this week for the 2022 Commodity Classic – live and in person. Like the National Ethanol Conference two weeks ago, the Commodity Classic is seeing only a very modest decline in attendance compared to the last live event in 2020. National Corn Growers Association CEO Jon Doggett says they had 7100 pre-registered for …

Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn, NCGA

RFA Honors Corn Growers With Industry Award

Cindy Zimmerman

For the first time, the Renewable Fuels Association Industry Award was presented to an organization this year. The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) was honored in recognition of the group’s dedicated and sustained efforts on behalf of the ethanol industry over the last 40 years. The award, RFA’s highest recognition, was presented this week at the 27th annual National Ethanol …

Ag Groups, Audio, Corn, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, NCGA, RFA

Archer Malmo Wins Second in State Corn Yield Contest

Cindy Zimmerman

Archer Malmo is an agency that really knows ag so well they can produce contest winning corn yields. The ag team at Archer Malmo, in partnership with the research team at Agricenter International, achieved their Project 300 corn yield goal by growing 333 bushel per acre of corn on a 3.3-acre plot area. The agency also placed second in the …

Agencies, Corn, NCGA

Hula Wins Corn Yield Contest – Again

Cindy Zimmerman

Not another world record, but Virginia farmer David Hula once again topped 600 bushels per acre this year in NCGA’s National Corn Yield Contest to take the number one spot. Hula, who has won the contest for multiple years, produced 602.1694 bushels per acre, which is down from his previous world record of 616.1953 bushels per acre accomplished in 2019. …

Corn, NCGA

New NCGA President Meets the Media

Cindy Zimmerman

Chris Edgington of St. Ansgar, Iowa, became president of the Corn Board of the National Corn Growers Association as of October 1. Edgington raises corn and soybeans along with his dad, brother and son. Chris and his wife, Vanessa, have two children, Alex and Elizabeth. In addition to his row crop operation, he gains insight into livestock through a small …

Audio, Corn, NCGA

Day Two of the 2021 Farm Progress Show

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello from Decatur, IL and the second day of the Farm Progress Show. It’s another beautiful day with some cooler temperatures and lots of excitement in the air. The Golden ZimmComm Microphone got off to a great start yesterday with the current president of the National Corn Growers Association, John Linder, a farmer from Ohio. Linder and other association leaders …

Ag Groups, Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, NCGA