NAMA Fresh Perspective

Chuck Zimmerman

During the 2014 Agri-Marketing Conference Max Armstrong produced daily “The Fresh Perspective” videos with information about what was happening during the event. In fact, The Fresh Perspective is sponsored by This Week in Agribusiness. Here’s the last episode. 2014 Agri-Marketing Conference Photo Album

Ag Groups, NAMA, Video

Pancake Ray Heats up NAMA

Chuck Zimmerman

Pancake Ray’s secret is out. His secret ingredient for the After the After Party by Rhea + Kaiser is Really Killer Hot Sauce. It’s made with actual blood, sweat and tears. Your face will get burnt off and you will LIKE IT. At least that’s what Ray claims. I’m taking mine home to try out this weekend. We had some …

Agencies, NAMA

Brownfield Honky Tonks With NAMA

Chuck Zimmerman

It was honky tonk time at the Brownfield NAMA Party at Maverick’s in Jacksonville last night. Or should I say this morning? Pretty much a little of both! Here’s the Brownfield staff just having fun like you knew they would. It was a packed house as Agri-Marketing Conference attendees stopped by to relax and share some fun with friends and …

Ag Groups, NAMA

NASS Census Division Director at NAMA

Cindy Zimmerman

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) announced it will publish the 2012 Census of Agriculture full report on May 2. The announcement was made this week as NASS Census and Survey Division Director Renee Picanso was attending the National Agri-Marketing Association conference in Jacksonville, Florida. “Agribusinesses are highly represented here and they are definitely big users …


NAMA Honors Marketer and Leader of the Year

Cindy Zimmerman

The NAMA Marketer and Agribusiness Leader of the year were honored today at the NAMA conference in Jacksonville. Sonny Beck, president of Beck’s Hybrids, was named the 2014 Agribusiness Leader of the Year, NAMA’s highest honor. As the largest family-owned seed company in the United States, Beck’s Hybrids is now the sixth largest seed company in the U.S. Under Sonny’s …

Agribusiness, Audio, NAMA

Best of NAMA Winners

Cindy Zimmerman

The stars were out last night in Jacksonville, Florida as the National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) presented its annual Best of NAMA Awards for excellence in agri-marketing at the annual convention. The Best of Show winner in the advertising category was Wyffels Hybrids and agency O&H Brand Design, Musta/Melzer, In-House – Travis Hopper (O&H Brand Design), Tim Musta & Jim Melzer …

Agencies, Agribusiness, NAMA

Happy Birthday ZimmComm!

Cindy Zimmerman

ZimmComm New Media is officially ten years old at this year’s NAMA conference so we are happily celebrating with all of our agri-marketing friends. Here to help us at the booth are (LtoR) niece Hayley DeRuiter, Google Glass Guru Bruce Rasa, me and Chuck, intern Kristin Liska, sales guy Dave Larson, and nephew Hunter DeRuiter. We have birthday cake, Glass …

Media, NAMA, ZimmComm Announcement

Brownfield Goes Honky Tonk for NAMA Party

Cindy Zimmerman

The famous Brownfield Ag News NAMA party will be a Honky Tonk affair here in Jacksonville this evening after the trade show closes. The venue is Mavericks at The Landing, which is just a short walk from the hotel. The fun starts at 9:00 pm and goes until midnight and of course the ZimmComm photo crew will be there to …

Media, NAMA

Fresh From Florida NAMA Farm Tour

Cindy Zimmerman

Since it’s usually in Kansas City, the annual NAMA conference rarely has a farm tour, so getting to see and hear about some agriculture outside the Midwest was a treat this week. Thanks to the Florida NAMA chapter for setting it up and to sponsors Ag Net Media and Vance Publishing for making it possible. Our tour stops included a …

Agribusiness, Audio, Livestock, NAMA, Potato, Video


Kristin Liska

At the National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) conference this year, New Holland is engaging with people by having them have a little New Holland tractor, received in the welcome bag, and take pictures of it in unique places. After taking the picture, participants can tweet the picture to New Holland and use the #TractorTweet hashtag to be entered to win New …

NAMA, New Holland