2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

3rd Party Developer Integrations for @JohnDeere Have Tripled

Chuck Zimmerman

The Operations Center of MyJohnDeere.com has become increasingly beneficial to customers with the growth in third party application developers who have integrated their software via APIs. This allows for more seamless connectivity of data into the Operations Center that can be shared out to other platforms and software. Many of these companies have attended the annual John Deere Developers Conference …

Agribusiness, Audio, Info Ag, John Deere, Precision Agriculture

Growth in the @JohnDeere Operations Center

Cindy Zimmerman

John Deere’s Operations Center is no small project, as Randy Kasparbauer the Software Product Manager for the company told AgWired at last week’s InfoAg Conference. Users of this platform can upload their data and have access to not only John Deere’s many helpful apps, but a growing number of third party programs as well, without the need to duplicate information. …

Audio, Info Ag, John Deere

Harvesting Data with @JohnDeere

Cindy Zimmerman

Chuck Zimmerman had the chance to catch up with some team members from our John Deere sponsor at InfoAg in St. Louis last week. Deanna Kovar is the Director of Production & Precision Ag Marketing at John Deere and it’s her job to bring solutions to the US and Canada. Bringing solutions to growers is what Deere has been doing …

Audio, data, Info Ag, John Deere

AgGateway Advances Solutions for Data Management

Joanna Schroeder

Progress on the AgGateway consortium was delivered to attendees of InfoAg this week in St. Louis, Missouri. The non-profit was founded to address eConnectivity needs in agriculture as the industry develops and adopts more powerful tools to increase efficiency and productivity. One way this is being achieved is through data exchange. This year AgGateway announced new standards, models and other …

Agribusiness, Audio, Info Ag, John Deere, Precision Agriculture, Technology

#InfoAg16 Hints at Future for @JohnDeere

Kelly Marshall

Jeremy Leifker leads the product strategy and marketing group at John Deere, a division responsible for bringing new ideas to the company pipeline.  While much of what is in the works remains a secret, Leifker took time at InfoAg to tell AgWired about a theme that is important to what John Deere develops. Telematics, or remote measurements, are an important part of the …

Agribusiness, Info Ag, John Deere, Technology

#Farming is Teamwork for @JohnDeere Precision

Cindy Zimmerman

The InfoAg Conference in St. Louis this week is all about farmers and industry working together as a team to increase productivity and profitability and John Deere Intelligent Solutions Group (ISG) is all about teamwork. “John Deere recognizes what our part is in precision ag and that we’re not the total solution,” said Deere Information Solutions business director Lane Arthur, …

Audio, Info Ag, John Deere, Precision Agriculture

John Deere Takes On Another Year at #AgMedia

Jamie Johansen

For 17 years John Deere has been a sponsor of the Ag Media Summit and Barry Nelson aka, The JD Magician, believes he has only missed one. That is true commitment to agriculture marketing and communications. I sat down with Barry, who serves as John Deere’s director of marketing, to learn why a partnership like this has such longevity and …

Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, Audio, Equipment, John Deere

John Deere to Offer Nutrient Application Products

Kelly Marshall

John Deere dealers in North America will now sell and support the nutrient application products 360 Y-DROP and 360 UNDERCOVER.  The announcement came this week after an agreement between Deere & Company and 360 Yield Center. “This innovative application technology from 360 Yield Center,” says John May, president, agricultural solutions and chief information officer, John Deere, “helps to improve timing …

Agribusiness, John Deere

John Deere Upgrades Precision Options

Kelly Marshall

John Deere is offering precision growers a few new tools for their toolbox. The company has just announced the introduction of two new AutoTrac guidance products  to its lineup.  These products were designed to help row crop producers and ag service providers navigate fields more accurately when spraying during post emergence. The AutoTrac Vision assists the operator with the use of …

Agribusiness, John Deere, Precision Agriculture

Deere Aligns with Hagie for High-Clearance Sprayers

Kelly Marshall

Deere & Company and Hagie Manufacturing have entered into a joint venture.  Hagie is a national market leader when it comes to high-clearance sprayers.  In this new agreement Deere gains majority ownership of Hagie Manufacturing. The equipment produced in the current plant at Clarion, Iowa will continue to carry the Hagie brand, but sales and services will be integrated into …

Agribusiness, Equipment, John Deere