John Deere C850 Air Cart for Small-Grain Producers

Jamie Johansen

The John Deere C850 Air Cart sat centerstage in their booth during the 2017 Commodity Classic. At times you even had to wait in line for a chance to climb the latter for a birds eye view and get a first-hand look at the cart’s 850-bushel carrying capacity. Tyson Harris, product manager at John Deere, also had a line of …

Agribusiness, Audio, Commodity Classic, Equipment, Grains, John Deere

Farm Economy, Tech & Legacy of John Deere

Jamie Johansen

“I’m an advocate for agriculture because I think it’s the finest industry in the world.” Those words spoken by John Lagemann, Senior VP, Sales & Marketing for the Agriculture and Turf Division, who has 35 years with John Deere – which in itself is a true testament. Lagemann had a busy schedule at the 2017 Commodity Classic, not only wearing …

Agribusiness, Audio, Commodity Classic, Equipment, Farm Machinery, John Deere, Technology, Video

John Deere – Making Good Farms Even Better

Jamie Johansen

John Deere’s passion for making good farms even better is evident with their commitment to Commodity Classic and the farmers from across the country who take in the event each year. “Commodity Classic is one of the greatest trade show to be at because we have such great growers that attend. Corn growers, soybean growers, wheat and sorghum come and …

Agribusiness, Audio, Commodity Classic, Equipment, John Deere, Video

Check Out Deere’s Connect Mobile App

Kelly Marshall

If you’re familiar with John Deere‘s Seed Star Mobile app, get ready – the next big thing is here! Amy Pousson-Noonan was at the National Farm Machinery Show recently to launch the Connect Mobile app; a family of apps that helps monitor and learn from the performance of their planter or sprayer while its in the field. She explains that …

Agribusiness, Apps, Audio, John Deere, National Farm Machinery Show

Deere Debutes Sprayer Improvements at #NFMS17

Kelly Marshall

Attendees of the National Farm Machinery Show got the first view of John Deere‘s new CommandView III cab on their 4-Series Sprayers and the 4600 CommandCenter that comes with it. Customers are always looking for ways to be more efficient– to spend less time setting up and more time spraying, says Jason Beuligmann, which is why John Deere has made …

Audio, Equipment, John Deere, National Farm Machinery Show

Deere Showcases 5R Series Tractors at #NFMS17

Kelly Marshall

Chris Lammie is pretty excited about his job with John Deere small tractors– especially the brand new 5R Series being shown at the National Farm Machinery Show. The 5R series features incredible maneuverability with a 12.1 foot turning radius, a comfortable cab, brand new loader, improved visibility and a fully electronic clutch. It also comes with a fantastic lighting package, …

Agribusiness, Audio, Equipment, John Deere, National Farm Machinery Show, Tractor

John Deere Supporting #CattleCon17

Kelly Marshall

As Director of Industry Relations and liaison to trade organizations, Chuck Studer was on hand at the Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show on behalf of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.  John Deere is a proud sponsor of the organization and works to support the men and women raising beef through partnership programs. Not only is Deere the executive …

Agribusiness, Audio, John Deere

John Deere Showing Biodiesel Support

Chuck Zimmerman

There was some John Deere green during the National Biodiesel Conference Vehicle Showcase this year. Chuck Studer, Director of Industry Relations, highlighted John Deere’s vast diesel equipment product line and long-standing involvement with biodiesel. John Deere was one of the first original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to get involved with biodiesel, approving B5 biodiesel blends for use in its engines in …

Biodiesel, John Deere, National Biodiesel Conference, Video

New Offerings for Specialty Crops from John Deere

Kelly Marshall

John Deere has something new up its sleeve again. Carl Weidemeier attended the Potato Expo in San Fransisco to show growers the latest offering for specialty crops. Beginning in the spring of 2017 growers will be able to connect their third party yield monitors to the My John Deere platform. A harness converts the message from the third party monitor …

Audio, John Deere, Potato

John Deere Prototype Electric Tractor Unveiled

Chuck Zimmerman

In advance of the Paris International Farm Show (SIMA) in France John Deere has unveiled what it says is the “First fully battery-electric high-hp tractor.” This photo is from the SIMA new products website page. I don’t have much other information at the moment but it looks like the company is doing a lot of work on the electrification of …

John Deere