CropTrak President Aaron Hutchinson doesn’t believe in just sitting still. He’s always moving his company forward, from updating the company’s name (you may remember them as iCrop Trak) to upgrading the weathers solutions provided by his company. At InfoAg this week the company announced a move to partner with The Weather Company. This IBM owned weather solution will offer Crop …
AgGateway Advances Solutions for Data Management
Progress on the AgGateway consortium was delivered to attendees of InfoAg this week in St. Louis, Missouri. The non-profit was founded to address eConnectivity needs in agriculture as the industry develops and adopts more powerful tools to increase efficiency and productivity. One way this is being achieved is through data exchange. This year AgGateway announced new standards, models and other …
#InfoAg16 Hints at Future for @JohnDeere
Jeremy Leifker leads the product strategy and marketing group at John Deere, a division responsible for bringing new ideas to the company pipeline. While much of what is in the works remains a secret, Leifker took time at InfoAg to tell AgWired about a theme that is important to what John Deere develops. Telematics, or remote measurements, are an important part of the …
Focus on Integration for @CropTrak at #InfoAg16
Farm management information software company CropTrak had a lot to talk about at the InfoAg Conference this week in St. Louis. CropTrak’s Aaron Hutchinson says they’ve had a lot of focus on integration with other companies this year. “One of them is CDMS,” he said. “This year they allowed us access to their chemical, crop protection and nutrient libraries and …
#Farming is Teamwork for @JohnDeere Precision
The InfoAg Conference in St. Louis this week is all about farmers and industry working together as a team to increase productivity and profitability and John Deere Intelligent Solutions Group (ISG) is all about teamwork. “John Deere recognizes what our part is in precision ag and that we’re not the total solution,” said Deere Information Solutions business director Lane Arthur, …
ISPA Update at #13ICPA
At the 13th International Conference on Precision Agriculture (ICPA) in St. Louis this week, Dr. Ken Sudduth, USDA-ARS Research Agricultural Engineer and president of the International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA) welcomed the opening plenary session. During Dr. Sudduth’s remarks he gives a report on the ISPA and encouraged attendees from 28 countries to help start affiliated groups in their …
The #13ICPA Keynote is Dr. Margaret Zeigler
The 13th International Conference on Precision Agriculture (ICPA) conducted by the International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA) is underway in St. Louis, MO. This year it is overlapping the InfoAg Conference which I believe is the 14th one. ICPA starts first with a plenary session that features an update on ISPA, a look ahead to other precision ag conferences and …
CropTrak Working Quietly and Gets New Look
It’s CropTrak now (not iCropTrak) as the company has changed the name slightly. You will see it on full display at the upcoming InfoAg Conference in St. Louis, MO. I’ll be there and will stop to visit CropTrak and I hope you will too. I visited with Jonathan Sherrill, Central Business Lead at CropTrak / Cogent3D, Inc., to find out …
New Holland Looks to Take Manual Out of Data Transfer
For years, there’s been no problem with generating data with farm equipment. The issue came with the extra chore too many farmers had to perform at the end of the day and manually transfer information from a USB stick to their computer back in their home office. During the recent InfoAg Conference, Chuck caught up with Chris Carrier from New …
Ayrestone Productivity Making Data Transer Efficient
There’s a revolution coming in agriculture, and it has to do with technology and how data is managed. “There’s just a lot more devices today that talk on a network and more coming all the time,” Bill Moffitt with Ayrstone Productivity told Chuck during the recent InfoAg Conference. His company offers producers long-range wi-fi networks that can cover up to …