Command 3ME Outperforms Generic Competitors

Carrie Muehling

FMC wants rice growers to know that Command 3ME is a tried and true product that will be available even with increasing rice acres this year. FMC Technical Service Representative Don Johnson said Command 3ME continues to outperform its generic counterparts. “We ran tests of the generic products out there in the marketplace, and those microencapsulated formulations reduced the amount …

Audio, Farm & Gin Show, FMC, Herbicide

FMC Introduces New Tool to Combat Resistant Weeds

Jamie Johansen

FMC Agricultural Solutions introduces a new tool to combat resistant weeds, Authority® Supreme herbicide. And just in time for the 2018 growing season. The U.S. EPA and Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Agency have granted registration in soybeans, sunflowers and dry field peas. Authority Supreme herbicide provides two effective sites of action to combat some of the toughest resistant weeds. The …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Commodity Classic, Farm & Gin Show, FMC, Herbicide

FMC Managing Resistant Weeds With New Herbicide

Carrie Muehling

Controlling resistant weeds is an ongoing challenge for growers, especially when it comes to the pigweed family including waterhemp and Palmer amaranth. Technical Service Representative Nick Hustedde covers Illinois and Indiana for FMC. He said it’s important to use residual herbicides with multiple sites of action to manage these prolific seed producers that can germinate over a long period of …

Audio, FMC, Herbicide, National Farm Machinery Show

ARA Explores Lessons Learned From Dicamba

Cindy Zimmerman

Two respected weed scientists presented their views on the lessons learned from this year’s introduction of new dicamba formulations for control of resistant weeds at a pre-conference workshop for the Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) this week. Dr. Ford Baldwin, Practical Weed Consultants, was extension weed scientist at the University of Arkansas for 28 years. Dr. Stanley Culpepper is a professor …

AgWired Precision, ARA, Crop Protection, Herbicide, weed management

ImpactZ™ Herbicide from AMVAC® Approved for Corn

Cindy Zimmerman

AMVAC Chemical Corporation has received federal registration from EPA for a new broad spectrum, low use rate corn herbicide – ImpactZ. ImpactZ provides corn growers with a new solution for control of tough broadleaf and grass weeds, including glyphosate resistant species. “Impact herbicide has long provided value to corn growers as an excellent tool for weed resistance management,” said Jim …

AgWired Precision, Corn, Crop Protection, Herbicide

Corvus: Understanding Reactivation

Carrie Muehling

The success of Bayer’s Corvus herbicide goes beyond residual activity. What sets it apart from others in the same class is reactivation, which allows weed control in the absence of moisture, says Mark Waddington, product development manager for selective corn herbicides. “All herbicides take water or moisture or rainfall to control weeds. That’s how you get your residual control. The …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Crop Protection, Farm Progress Show, Herbicide

No Weed Left Behind with DiFlexx DUO

Jamie Johansen

Challenges with resistant weeds were still seen across the country this season. However, Bayer CropScience believes these resistant weeds have met their match with a new herbicide introduced before the 2017 season. We visited with Frank Rittemann, selective corn herbicides product manager at Bayer, last week at the Farm Progress Show to learn more about the key benefits of DiFlexx® …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Crop Science, Farm Progress Show, Herbicide, weed management

Panther Pro Herbicide from Nufarm

Chuck Zimmerman

Nufarm’s Panther® Pro herbicide for soybeans was on display during the Info Expo at the 2017 Ag Media Summit in Snowbird, Utah. Nufarm Communications Specialist, Emilia Villacis, said the product fights broad spectrum weed control in burndown, pre-plant and pre-emergent applications; and residual control of weeds in crop-fallow and non-crop bare ground uses. Panther Pro will hit the market this …

Ag Media Summit, AgWired Precision, Audio, Crop Protection, Herbicide, Nufarm

Precision Labs Focus on Life Span of Droplet

Jamie Johansen

Precision Laboratories’ Total Spray Droplet Management considers the entire life-cycle of the drop. This ensures quality spray mixes, improved target placement and optimized retention and coverage. While in Snowbird, Utah at the 2017 Ag Media Summit, we stopped in to chat with Jim Reiss, senior vice president of product development at Precision Labs, to learn more. “Total spray droplet management …

Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Herbicide