2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BASF Offers New Fungicide Products

Carrie Muehling

BASF‘s newest fungicides are powered by a new active ingredient that provides fast uptake and curative activity, enhanced binding strength, and exceptional performance under high disease pressure. Revysol fungicide brings a new level of disease control and efficacy to the Class 3 group of chemistry for BASF’s Revytek soybean fungicide product and Veltyma corn fungicide offering. “We want to make …

Audio, BASF, Fungicide, NAFB

Fungicides Offer More Than Disease Protection

Carrie Muehling

Late planting across the Midwest in 2019 exposed farmers to a different set of problems than they might have faced otherwise, especially when it comes to disease pressure. “Late planted corn responds more to a fungicide than early planted corn does,” said Randy Myers, Fungicide Product Development Manager with Bayer. “There are a whole bunch of reasons for that. The …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Farm Progress Show, Fungicide

Syngenta Introduces Saltro for SDS

Cindy Zimmerman

Syngenta has received EPA registration for its newest seed treatment, Saltro® fungicide. Formulated to deliver superior protection against Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) and nematodes without causing plant stress, Saltro will be available for the 2020 growing season. Saltro contains Adepidyn® fungicide, an extremely powerful SDHI mode of action, which outperforms older chemistries and provides higher potential yield. “For the first …

AgWired Precision, Fungicide, Soybean, Syngenta

BASF Receives EPA Registration for Revysol Fungicide

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF has received Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registration for Revysol® fungicide. The new active ingredient (AI) is the first and only isopropanol azole of its kind in the market for a broad range of crops and disease combinations. Revysol, and its related product brands, will be available to growers for the 2020 planting season. Revysol fungicide has a unique isopropanol …

AgWired Precision, Audio, BASF, Fungicide

Mid-South Growers Interested in FMC’s Lucento

Cindy Zimmerman

Farmers at the 2019 Mid-South Farm and Gin Show showed a lot of interest in FMC’s new Lucento™ fungicide because of its high performing disease control in soybeans and peanuts. The new product is also approved for corn, wheat and sugarbeets. “Growers reward innovation and this is a product that’s truly innovative,” said Matthew Wiggins, FMC technical service manager for …

Audio, Farm & Gin Show, FMC, Fungicide

FMC Offers Solution for Texas Cotton Root Rot

Cindy Zimmerman

Texas Cotton Root Rot is exactly what it says it is – it’s almost exclusively found in Texas, and it causes cotton roots to rot. Within two weeks of the first symptoms the plant dies and the farmer loses his crop. But FMC Topguard Terra is helping growers in Texas win the battle against cotton root rot and retail market …

Audio, Cotton, Farm & Gin Show, FMC, Fungicide

BASF Excited About Revysol

Carrie Muehling

After 10 years of research and development, BASF shared its new Revysol technology with those attending the 2019 BASF Science Behind event, held just before the Commodity Classic in Orlando. Revysol technology will be part of two new products available for the 2019 growing season, pending registration. More details are forthcoming about Veltyma for corn and Revytek for soybeans, but …

AgWired Precision, Audio, BASF, Fungicide

Bayer’s Delaro Fungicide Boosts Yields

Carrie Muehling

Numbers from the 2018 harvest show strong evidence that Bayer’s Delaro fungicide delivered yield boosts for growers. “We’re very, very excited about Delaro. In today’s marketplace, yield is more important than ever with the commodity prices that we have,” said Eric Ifft, Bayer Customer Business Advisor in Central Illinois. “And now, with our Bayer seed brands, we have great yielding …

Audio, Bayer, Commodity Classic, Fungicide

BASF Unveils the Future of Fungicides

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF unveiled its latest fungicide called Revysol during its annual pre-Commodity Classic Science Behind event on Wednesday. The new triazole is a DeMethylation Inhibitor (DMI) fungicide that BASF plans to label for more than a dozen crops, using the brand name Veltyma for corn and Revytek for soybeans. EPA registration for Revysol is expected to be finalized this summer. Get …

AgWired Precision, Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Fungicide

FMC Looks Toward 2019 Season with Lucento

Carrie Muehling

Those attending the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville learned more about FMC‘s Lucento fungicide from Technical Support Representative Nick Hustedde. The product received federal registration in December 2018 and is labeled for corn, soybeans, wheat, sugar beets and peanuts. Hustedde said Lucento is consistent across disease cycles and also helps to practice resistance management. “One thing we have to …

Audio, FMC, Fungicide, National Farm Machinery Show, Video