2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Ag Steward of the Chortí Maya

Laura McNamara

There is a group of indigenous people in Honduras that live off an average of $300 a year… less than one dollar a day. At least two months out of every year they starve. That’s the reality as Billy Collins sees it. Billy has been working with the Chortí Maya, the direct descendants of the Mayan Indians, for five years. …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Corn, Education, Environment, Farming, Food, Forestry, International, Precision Agriculture, Technology

Rolling Stone is Down to Earth

Cindy Zimmerman

Gene Hemphill of New Holland became fast friends with Chuck Leavell, tree farmer and keyboardist for the Rolling Stones, as soon as Chuck Zimmerman introduced them some time last year. Since then, Leavell has been on the rock and roll side for New Holland, with Michael Peterson being the country side. By the way – Gene is the one on …

Ag Media Summit, Audio, BASF, Forestry, New Holland

Chuck Leavell Promotes Forest Management

Chuck Zimmerman

Chuck Leavell, Rolling Stones Keyboardist, has become an outspoken proponent of sound forestry management. He’s got a tree plantation, Charlane Plantation, near Macon, GA. He just played for a UN biodiversity convention in Germany and is touring there with the German Forest Owners Association. I’ve had the pleasure of talking with Chuck and I like how he’s trying to pull …

Ag Groups, Audio, Forestry, International