RFA Ethanol Podcast

New Product Lineup from Krone

Jamie Johansen

Krone North America will soon be rolling out several new products and product improvements for producers to take home and put to use for the next hay and forage season. “We are a German company, but we really focus on providing innovative products for the North American producer. At any given time throughout the year, we typically have a German …

Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, AgWired Animal, Audio, Equipment, Forage, Hay

The Kings of Hay & Forage

Jamie Johansen

All our German speaking friends already know that Krone translates to king in German. We spoke with Dave Patterson, Krone NA, during the recent Ag Media Summit to learn what makes them the ‘kings of hay and forage’ production globally. “Our customers and dealers are critical to our strategy and to our success. We are unique. We are a family-owned …

Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, AgWired Animal, Equipment, Farm Machinery, Forage, Hay

Grassland Oregon Offers Pastures for Pollinators

Cindy Zimmerman

In response to the need to protect pollinators and support sustainable livestock farming, Grassland Oregon has introduced a new seed mixture called Pastures for Pollinators that will benefit bees, livestock and sustainable agriculture. Risa DeMasi, co-founder of Grassland Oregon and immediate past chairman of the American Seed Trade Association says proceeds from the sales of Pastures for Pollinators will be …

Audio, Bees, cover crops, Forage, Livestock, pollinators, Seed

Pastures For Pollinators is a Winner

Cindy Zimmerman

A new clover seed mixture developed by Grassland Oregon (GO) is a win-win for livestock producers and the environment. Pastures for Pollinators is a seed blend including a variety of flowering annual clovers that could help enhance pollinator habitat nationwide, according to GO co-founder Risa DeMasi. “There are 400 million acres of pasture ground in the U.S., and it happens …

Audio, cover crops, Forage, pollinators, Seed

New Holland Acquires Kongskilde Agriculture

Jamie Johansen

New Holland Agriculture will expand its wide offering with new implement product lines as a result of CNH Industrial’s agreement to acquire the agricultural Grass and Soil business of Kongskilde Industries, part of the Danish Group Dansk Landbrugs Grovvareselskab. This business develops, manufactures and sells solutions for agricultural applications in the Tillage and Hay & Forage segments under various brands, …

Agribusiness, Equipment, Forage, Hay, New Holland

Forage Harvesting with New Holland Ag

Jamie Johansen

New Holland Agriculture had a FR 780 Forage Harvester on display at the 2016 World Dairy Expo, which is part of a five model line up of forage harvesters ranging from 480 to 825 horsepower. Each model is equipped with the widest cutter-head in the business providing a fine crop mat and consistent length of cut and in turn, a …

Agribusiness, Audio, Dairy, Equipment, Forage, New Holland, World Dairy Expo

The Building Blocks to Better Beef Production

Lizzy Schultz

This year at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference, attendees had access to a variety of special sessions that highlighted some of the global opportunities currently breaking new ground in different sectors of agriculture production. Dan Dhuyvetter, Director of Marketing, Research and Development, and Nutrition Services for block supplement manufacturer Ridley Block Operations spoke during the special session on the beef …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Animal Health, Audio, Beef, Forage

Agritechnica Awards New Holland Machine of the Year

Jamie Johansen

At Agritechnica 2015, New Holland Agriculture’s new T7.315 tractor was crowned with the coveted “Machine of the Year” 2016 in the large tractor category. The title is bestowed by a jury of 19 journalists representing leading European agricultural publications. The machine was rewarded for its technical innovation and the benefits it brings to customers, with selection criteria focusing on innovative …

Agribusiness, Equipment, Forage, New Holland, Tractor

New Holland 1st Cut Competition Winners

Chuck Zimmerman

The results are in and the winners of the New Holland 1st Cut Competition have been announced. They are Les Hershey of Kirkwood, Pa., Jimmy Parker of Stringer Miss., Merlin Bontrager of Timbo, Ark., Tyler Egeland of Ossian, Iowa, David Nelson of Preston, Idaho, Vanessa Dirksen of Alma, Ontario, and Leroy Otten of Ponoka, Alberta. Pictured is Leroy Otten’s entry. …

Forage, Hay, New Holland

Case IH Launches Optum Tractor Series

Lizzy Schultz

Case IH beefed up its forage lineup this month with the new Optum tractor series, which was publicly launched at the 2015 Farm Progress Show. The Optum tractor joins the company’s complete line of hay and forage equipment, including updates across its Puma® and Maxxum® series offerings. “The Optum is targeted to be a heavy duty haying tractor, for those …

Case IH, Equipment, Farm Progress Show, Forage, Harvest, Hay, Tractor