The Global Harvest Initiative (GHI) is a private-sector voice for productivity growth throughout the agricultural value chain to sustainably meet the demands of a growing world. The initiative, established in 2009, includes agricultural industry stakeholders such as DuPont, John Deere, Monsanto and now Elanco. “This is the first time for Elanco joining this effort,” said GHI board member Claudia Garcia, …
Nestle’ Chair Addresses World Food Prize
The 2012 World Food Prize Borlaug Dialogue kicked off in Des Moines Wednesday with an address by Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, chairman of the Nestlé Group, who gave his broader view on food security and nutrition. Brabeck said that as per capita income increases in developing countries, people are no longer satisfied with a bowl of rice a day. “No, they want …
Report on Global Agricultural Productivity
Today the Global Harvest Initiative (GHI) released its 3rd annual Global Agricultural Productivity Report (GAP Report) during the World Food Prize Symposium in Des Moines, Iowa. The GAP Report details efforts to increase global agricultural productivity, and notes that despite gains, it may not be enough especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, East Asia, and other regions to meet demand. During a …
Are we REALLY educating consumers about ag?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What is most important for feeding growing world population? ” Our poll results: Fifteen percent said Precision ag technology; thirteen percent said Biotech hybrids; nine percent said Crop protection products; seven percent said Information technology; twenty-two percent said Natural resource conservation; six percent said Less government regulation; twenty-three percent said All of the above; …
The School Lunch Parodies
Who has seen The Hunger Games – or read the books? You’ll get a laugh out of the comparisons drawn in this video. Kids these days may have some “out there” ideas (at least that’s what some of us ‘old’ folks think) but one thing they have right is that they stand up for what they believe, and speak out …
Flavor Infused Cottonseed Oil From Alcala Farms
Pure cottonseed oil from Alcala Farms. It’s what I’ll be cooking with. Here’s why: “Silky-clear, lightweight body and flavor-neutral palate. Pure Cottonseed Oil is the perfect base for salad oils, marinades, sauces, frying, stir-frying, searing and sauteing.” It’s the original vegetable oil. Bet you didn’t know that CRISCO stands for Crystallized Cottonseed Oil. I didn’t either until I got to …
Let’s Move Salad Bars to California Schools
The United Fresh Foundation just announced the new campaign Let’s Move Salad Bars to California Schools. The goal is to donate salad bars to 350 California schools at the United Fresh 2013 convention in San Diego. The campaign is spearheaded by four California produce industry leaders passionate about increasing children’s consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. “This is truly a …
Ready For Some Pensacola Seafood
One of the many reasons that Cindy and I re-located ZimmComm World Headquarters to Pensacola, FL is seafood. We love fish farmers! Today we’re going to be sampling at the Fiesta of Five Flags Pensacola Seafood Festival. I think everyone loves festivals. We’ve gone to more than I can even remember. Some stand outs for me have been the Catfish …
Fuel Prices Are Impacting Farms and Businesses
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Have high fuel prices had an impact on your farm/business?” Our poll results: Sixty-four percent said Yes, big impact on our budget; fourteen percent said Yes, minimal impact on our budget; twelve percent said No, not yet; and ten percent said No, don’t expect any. Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the …
Push Back on New School Lunches
Healthier school lunches, required for the first time this year, are getting some push back from students and teachers across the USA who say they are still hungry after eating the noon meal. A new YouTube video parody, created by two teachers and some high school students in Kansas, has students singing We Are Hungry as they try to make …