Syngenta & ASTA Help Feed Chicago Kids

Cindy Zimmerman

We talk a lot in agriculture about feeding a growing world population but Syngenta and the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) brought that broad message home during this week’s CSS 2012 and Seed Expo in Chicago. “We tend to think about hunger as being something that happens somewhere else, but it happens in our own backyard – it happens here …

ASTA, Audio, Food, Syngenta

USFRA Enters Year Three

Chuck Zimmerman

The U.S Farmers and Ranchers Alliance is entering its third year. Hard to believe that it has already been that long. The effort continues to gather steam though as you’ll hear in this week’s program. In New York City just recently, USFRA held its annual meeting in conjunction with the Food Dialogues. here are the newly elected executive committee members. …

Ag Groups, Audio, Education, Food, USFRA, ZimmCast


Cindy Zimmerman

One of the positive outcomes of the 2012 election was that Californians actually voted against Proposition 37, which would have required the labeling of foods containing genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). However, those opposed to GMOs continue to attack the technology that increases safe, affordable and abundant food by stepping up their scare tactics. GMOinside, for example, is urging people to “Celebrate …

Biotech, Food

Giving #FoodThanks Time

Cindy Zimmerman

This week marks the third annual AgChat #Foodthanks celebration, a time to reflect on the blessing of all the food choices we have in this nation. Farmers, ranchers, processors, butchers, bakers, chefs, grocers, truckers and more all make it possible for us to have healthy food on plates. Today and tomorrow in particular, AgChat encourages you to show your #Foodthanks …


GROWMARK Cookbook Helps Feed the World

Cindy Zimmerman

GROWMARK cooked up a great way to help farmers feed the world this year by compiling a cookbook filled with recipes contributed by GROWMARK employees and selling it to raise money for the an important charity. “We wanted to do something special this year to promote the International Year of Cooperatives and GROWMARK’s 85th anniversary,” said Karen Jones, GROWMARK’s Publications …

Audio, Cooperatives, Food, GROWMARK, Social Networking

I Want a Deep Fried Turkey

Chuck Zimmerman

Thought I’d share this entertaining safety message for all of you who will be frying turkeys this week. Watch and see how long it takes for the song to get out of your head. Families have a new person to be thankful for this Thanksgiving season…William Shatner. In 2011, State Farm® teamed up with Shatner to produce a short video …

Food, Video

USFRA Press Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

The U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance held a press conference to allow questions from reporters about the annual meeting that took place in New York and the Food Dialogues that was conducted yesterday. It was the third Food Dialogues and is available on the Food Dialogues website to watch if you missed it. I moderated our press conference this morning …

Ag Groups, Audio, Food, USFRA

Final Panel Thoughts from USFRA Food Dialogues

Chuck Zimmerman

Here are the panelists from the last session of today’s New York Food Dialogues. Wow. It was a long day of very interesting discussion. This panel’s topic was Biotechnology (GMO’s) and Your Food. There were some very real contrasts in what some of the panelists as well as the audience thought of various specifics. In my opinion we got a …

Ag Groups, Audio, Biotech, Food, USFRA

Faces of Farming & Ranching Announced

Chuck Zimmerman

The finalists in the USFRA Faces of Farming and Ranching program were announced today at the New York Food Dialogues. Those finalists include: Chris Chinn (Missouri), Will Gilmer (Ala.), Daphne Holterman (Wis.), Brenda Kirsch (Ore.), Tim Nilsen (Calif.), Eric McClam (S.C.), Katie Pratt (Ill.), Bo Stone (N.C.) and Janice Wolfinger (Ohio). More than 100 applications were received from passionate, dedicated …

Ag Groups, Audio, Farming, Food, USFRA