Imagine a tractor that gave farmers enough light to work in the dark. Imagine a tractor that could be a portable, off-site power outlet. Imagine a tractor that has more “get up and go.” Bah. One might think that’s “unheard of”… well, before you scoff, think again. John Deere Werke Mannheim is poised to unleash a new series of E-Premium …
Innovations, Trends and Visions… In Germany
For the next couple of days, is going to be your portal to one of the world’s biggest showcases for farm equipment. I’ve made my way all the way from Kansas City, MO to Frankfurt, Germany to cover Agritechnica 2007. This event is being held next week, November 13 through 17, but John Deere is hosting a group of …
New ‘Ag Tag’ For Maine Drivers
Drivers in Maine have a new option for displaying their agriculture pride on their bumper. No, I’m not talking about a bumper sticker. I’m talking about a license plate. The Morning Sentinel based in Waterville, Maine reports that new license plates supporting Maine agriculture went on sale in October. The plates depict a sunrise, emerging over a farm and rolling …
Successful Farming Launches Farm Machinery Show
Farmers and ranchers can tune into a brand new show that’s devoted solely to farm machinery beginning tomorrow. Successful Farming is launching it’s Farm Machinery Show on both RFD-TV and high-definition RFD-HD. Premiering November 1, 2007, The Successful Farming Machinery Show the Successful Farming® Machinery Show will deliver all the best-read favorites from the magazine, and for the first time …
World-Class Chef Promotes Eco-friendly Food
Energy and fuels aren’t the only commodities America is becoming more environmentally conscious about. World-class chef and restaurateur Mario Batali is encouraging consumers to become eco-friendly with their food. Mario is working with the Earthlab Foundation in a campaign to promote environmentally friendly food options. The online segment at features tips and insight into to making better food related …
World Leaders to Speak on Food and Sustainability in New Orleans
The Presidents of Iceland and Bangladesh, Nobel Peace Prize Winner Norman Borlaug and soil and crop experts are all slated to speak at the 2007 International Annual Meetings in New Orleans Next month. The American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), and Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) are hosting the international forum on food and …
ABA, Farmer Mac Renew Banking Options for Agricultural Real Estate
The pricing discounts agricultural borrowers are enjoying through the alliance between the American Bankers Assocation (ABA) and the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (Farmer Mac) can count on receiving continued discount options. The ABA and Farmer Mac have renewed their exclusive agreement where ABA member banks are eligible for selected Farmer Mac products and customized loan packages through AgPower(SM). “Agricultural real …
Qualisoy Touts Incentive to Plant Alternative Oilseeds in Farm Bill
Farmers who plant alternative oilseeds are slated to get some support from the government, well, in the Senate version of the 2007 Farm Bill at least. The version of the bill passed by the U.S. Senate yesterday includes the Commodity Quality Incentive Program, or CQIP. CQIP, introduced by Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), is a provision providing special support to farmers …
Farm Bill Disappoints National Corn Growers
The Senate Agriculture Committee has passed its version of the 2007 Farm Bill, but the National Corn Growers Association was hoping the bill would include more literature outlining improved risk management tools. The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) is pleased the Senate Agriculture Committee included a revenue option in the 2007 farm bill, but is disappointed by the committee’s action …