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Finalists Chosen for @USFRA Faces

Cindy Zimmerman

The U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA®) has announced the finalists of its third class of Faces of Farming and Ranching, a nationwide search to help put real faces on agriculture. This is the third class of Faces of Farming & Ranching that USFRA has sought to speak on behalf of the industry in this capacity. The finalists are: Lauren …

Audio, Education, Farm Progress Show, Farming, USFRA

Culver’s Grows 19 “Thank You Farmers” Mazes

Jamie Johansen

From food to fuel, there are more than 4,000 uses for corn across the world. This year Culver’s restaurants added one more use to the list: thanking farmers. The restaurant chain wouldn’t be what it is today without the hardworking farmers who grow the food that’s proudly served in its restaurants. That’s why Culver’s worked with farmers across the country …

Agribusiness, Corn, Farming, Food

#IFAJ2016 Tour – Part 9 – Bayer ForwardFarming

Chuck Zimmerman

With only a few episodes left in my series from the 2016 IFAJ Congress Bayer Tours we’ll continue the focus on the Bayer ForwardFarming Initiative. In this episode we got a look at the the bigger picture in Germany which includes Damianshof Farm near Neuss. Walking us through the overview was Belinda Geisen-Druse. In Germany there are 22 farms that …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Environment, Farming, IFAJ, Sustainability, Video

#IFAJ2016 Bayer Tour – Part 8 – ForwardFarming Initiative

Chuck Zimmerman

Let’s turn to the Bayer ForwardFarming Initiative in this episode of my tour during the IFAJ Congress in Germany. We got our look at the concept on Damianshof Farm near Neuss. Our host was farm manager Bernd Olligs. His family has managed the farm for six generations and he inherited ownership from his mother. On Bernd’s farm they grow sugar …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Farming, IFAJ, Video, Wheat

Chromatin Advancing Sorghum Seed Technology

Lizzy Schultz

Chromatin Inc., a sorghum breeding and improvement company based out of Chicago, made an appearance at the 2016 Ag Media Summit to highlight the company’s breeding programs, as well as its dedication to creating new hybrids and developing new planting seeds for use in both livestock and human food consumption all over the world. “We’re committed to sorghum, we don’t …

Ag Groups, Ag Media Summit, Audio, Farming, Research, sorghum, Technology

Keeping Farmers in the Sustainability Dialogue

Lizzy Schultz

At the latest Food Dialogue from the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) and the Farm and Food Alliance of Minnesota, a panel of experts kept the focus entirely on water sustainability, an issue that has continually placed significant blame on production agriculture. The lone producer on the panel was Nathan Collins, who raises Angus cattle and grows corn, soybeans, …

Ag Groups, Audio, Conservation, Environment, Farming, Sustainability, USFRA

#IFAJ2016 Tour – Bayer Forward Farming – Part 1

Chuck Zimmerman

Welcome to a series of presentations on the work that Bayer CropScience is doing at its Monheim, Germany headquarters and in farms affiliated with their ForwardFarming initiative which demonstrates sustainable farming in practice. In line with Bayer’s mission “Science for A Better Life”, Bayer CropScience is committed to delivering innovative solutions to further promote sustainable agriculture. I’ll be posting these …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Crop Protection, Farming, IFAJ, Video

Sorghum Shootout Update

Lizzy Schultz

Have you ever seen sorghum growing head-high by mid-July? We haven’t either! Sorghum Shootout grower Tim Fisher is already seeing head-high sorghum fields at his operation in Arkansas, thanks in part to the Sorghum Shootout program. Sorghum Shootout is the latest National Sorghum Producers (NSP) program, sponsored by StollerUSA – which you may remember we told you about when they …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Agronomy, Farming, Harvest, sorghum

Sustainable Global Ag Solutions Panel at #IFAJ2016

Chuck Zimmerman

Prior to the start of this year’s International Federation of Agricultural Journalists Congress a panel discussion was held for members of the Master Class and Young Leaders as well as any other member attendees. Taking place at ZEF, Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, the panel subject was “Sustainable Solutions for Global Agriculture.” The Moderator is Joachim von Braun …

ACN, Farming, IFAJ, Sustainability

USDA Announces $8.4 Million For Disadvantaged Farmers

Lizzy Schultz

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced that $8.4 million in competitive grants are now available to support the work of partner organizations that provide training, outreach and technical assistance for socially disadvantaged, Tribal and Veteran farmers and ranchers. The financial support is offered through USDA’s Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers Program, also …

Ag Groups, Farming, USDA