2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

#Biobased Success Stories

Joanna Schroeder

The biobased industry is taking off in leap and bounds and many companies already have great success stories. One such company is Cargill Industrial Specialties’ FR3 transformer fluid produced from soybeans. It was a featured technology during the United Soybean Board’s Biobased Stakeholders Dialogue that took place at USDA’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. Cargill gave a joint presentation with NASA …

Audio, Environment, Soybean, USB

#Biobased for the @SeventhGen

Joanna Schroeder

During the recent 2016 United Soybean Board (USB) Biobased Stakeholders Dialogue that took place in Washington, D.C., Cindy Zimmerman spoke with Martin Wolf with Seventh Generation, founded in 1988. The company produces biobased household cleaning products that are renewable and sustainable. These products are also designed to protect the health of the individuals as well as the environment, said Wolf. …

Audio, Environment, Soybean, USB

Nature’s Broom at #Biobased16

Lizzy Schultz

Nature’s Broom was one of the participants in the 2016 United Soybean Board (USB) Biobased Stakeholders Dialogue, held last week at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) headquarters in Washington, D.C. The company manufactures a recycled biobased oil absorbent that is able to bioremediate into non-toxic compounds. Boyd Eifling, President of Nature’s Broom, was on hand during the event to …

Audio, Environment, Soybean, Sustainability, USB

A Sustainable Future is #Biobased

Lizzy Schultz

BioBased Technologies, LLC (BBT) was just one of the biobased manufacturing companies that made the trip to Washington, D.C. as an exhibitor and participant in the 2016 United Soybean Board (USB) Biobased Stakeholders’ Dialogue, and BBT exhibitor Terri Mallioux was on hand during the event to discuss how the company’s manufactured materials are improving the sustainability of a multitude of …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Audio, Environment, Sustainability, USB

4R Approach is Personal to Ontario Crop Advisor

Cindy Zimmerman

For Chris Snip of Agris Co-operative in Ontario, Canada, the 4R approach to nutrient management is personal. Snip has been a Certified Crop Advisor for 16 years and was one of five crop specialists recently named as the first recipients of the new GROWMARK Endure 4R Advocate award. “My family and I spend a lot of time in Lake Erie, …

Agronomy, Audio, Environment, FS System, GROWMARK, Soil

New Bill Would Address On-Farm Fuel Storage

Cindy Zimmerman

Senator Deb Fischer (R-NE), a member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, has introduced legislation that would modify EPA regulations regarding on-farm fuel storage. The bill, known as the Farmers Undertake Environmental Land Stewardship (FUELS) Act, is co-sponsored by Committee Chairman Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK). “I am proud to introduce the Senate-version of the FUELS Act, which would …

Environment, EPA, Farming

Celebrating The Bees Behind Craft Beer

Lizzy Schultz

Rogue Ales is celebrating all 7,140,289 of their honeybees with the release of two new products, Honey Kolsch and Marionberry Braggot. Both are made with honey foraged from Rogue Farms spring nectar sources including marionberry, cherry, jalapeño, cucumber, pumpkins and wildflower blossoms. This spring’s honey harvest brought its own unique flavor, and it is highlighted in both beer and braggot. …

Ag Groups, Bees, Conservation, Environment, Food, pollinators

Everyday is #EarthDay for Farmers and Ranchers

Cindy Zimmerman

It was 1970 when the first Earth Day celebrations were held in thousands of schools, colleges and communities across the United States. It now is observed in 192 countries, and coordinated by the nonprofit Earth Day Network, chaired by the first Earth Day 1970 organizer Denis Hayes, who calls it “the largest secular holiday in the world, celebrated by more …

Environment, USFRA

Senators Pleased EPA IG to Investigate Anti-Ag Billboards

Cindy Zimmerman

Senators Pat Roberts (R-KS) and Jim Inhofe (R-OK) are pleased that Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking action regarding a taxpayer funded, anti-farmer campaign in Washington state. The chairmen of the Senate agriculture and environment committees sent a letter to EPA’s inspector general earlier this month requesting an audit and investigation of an EPA grant to the Northwest Indian Fisheries …

Environment, EPA