2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Kemin Hosts Swine Summit

Laura McNamara

Swine Summit attendees can look forward to playing a game of P-I-G and 3-point with members of the Iowa Energy D-League NBA team organization this year. Of course, the summit will be getting down to business too with a host of speakers that will focus on “Netting More Energy” in pork production. Kemin Industries Inc. will host swine veterinarians, nutritionists …

Ag Groups, Energy, Pork

Do a Carbon Belch on June 12

Chuck Zimmerman

This is just too good to pass on letting you in on it. Carbon Belch Day. I love it. I know you may think it’s a little over the top but then how would you describe what the whacko climate change alarmists, who’s real goal is to control society, are doing? Let’s have a little bit of balance. One of …

Energy, Environment

Announcing GoodFuels

Chuck Zimmerman

We know that renewable fuels like ethanol and biodiesel are good, right? That’s the premise of a new website that is launched today – GoodFuels. Addressing America’s dependence on foreign oil will require many solutions. A solution at our disposal today, and one that is already making significant contributions, is the increased production and use of biofuels like ethanol. Ethanol …

Biodiesel, Energy, Ethanol

Biofuels Digest Finds Global Impact on Rising Food Costs

Laura McNamara

The media has been pointing fingers at biofuels, blaming them for rising food costs. But a study from The Biofuels Digest suggests rising food costs are the result of global pressures, such as China’s increasing demand for meat. Biofuels Digest says their study finds that for every bushel of grain used to make U.S. ethanol, six are used to support …

Agribusiness, Beef, Energy, Ethanol, Farming, Food

Ceres First to Brand Bioenergy Seeds

Laura McNamara

As technology unleashes more and more energy possibilities from more and more crops, it can get a little confusing as to which plants can do what. Ceres, Inc. plans to clarify bio-friendly seeds with its new bioenergy seed brand. Energy crop company Ceres, Inc. plans to market its agricultural seeds and traits under the trade name Blade Energy Crops in …

Agribusiness, Corn, Energy, Farming, Seed

Schwarzenegger to Speak at BIO International Summer Convention

Laura McNamara

The state of sustainable agriculture in developing countries will be one of the main issues addressed at the BIO International Convention this summer. The Biotechnology Industry Organization is hosting the convention in San Diego from Tuesday, June 17 through Friday, June 20. Biotechnology leaders from around the globe will be descending upon San Diego, one of the leading biotech hubs …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Energy, Environment, Food, Technology

Alltech Receives DOE Grant For Ethanol Plant

Chuck Zimmerman

The Alltech Symposium agriblogger has arrived in Lexington, KY, still just a little bit NAMA lagged (kind of like jet lag). I’m in the Radisson right across the street from the convention center. There’s going to be lots of news from here and on the Alltech Symposium Blog. But we’ve already got news. The U.S. Department of Energy awarded grants …

Alltech, Energy, Ethanol

Green Wine

Laura McNamara

No, not the color green. Environmentally green. Parducci Wine Cellars says its the first winery to go carbon neutral. And, the winery is now operating on 100 percent solar and wind power. Parducci effectively transferred all of its energy needs to non-polluting, renewable sources by supplementing its on-site solar power with Green-E(R) certified wind energy purchased from the Bonneville Environmental …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Energy, Environment, Food, Technology

Family Farm is Saving Lungs with Cow Dung

Laura McNamara

Pennsylvania is honoring a family farm operation that has developed a new “manure digester.” The farm developed the new system in collaboration with NativeEnergy. The project is meant to help residents will breathe easier with cleaner air. High quality carbon offsets provider NativeEnergy is proud to announce the Brubaker Farms’ family dairy farm methane project, a new anaerobic digester/generator system …

Agribusiness, Energy, Environment, Farming, Technology

New Podcast on Domestic Fuel

Chuck Zimmerman

Over on our sister Domestic Fuel site we just introduced a new podcast today to feature renewable energy news twice a month (or more often). The Domestic Fuel Cast will feature people and news of interest in the alternative fuels industry. If you’d like subscribe to the podcast then here’s the url/feed link: http://zimmcomm.biz/domesticfuel/domestic-fuel-cast.xml. You can use your browser (IE, …

Energy, Podcasts