2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Millennial Views of Biobased and Sustainability

Cindy Zimmerman

The hostess for the the USB Biobased Products Stakeholders’ Dialogue at George Washington (GW) University this week was the moderator for an important discussion about what the “millennial generation” thinks about biobased and sustainability. University sustainability director Kathleen Merrigan, who is also former deputy ag secretary, invited some current students and recent graduates to be on the panel. “What I …

Audio, Education, Soybean, Sustainability, USB, USDA

FuSE Celebrates 10 Years of Training Young Seed Execs

Jamie Johansen

During the 131st American Seed Trade Association’s Annual Convention in Indianapolis, IN. the Future Seed Executives (FuSE) held a joint FuSE/Management Skills committee meeting focused on the Power of Inclusive Leadership. I spoke with FuSE founder and Vice President, Business Development for Gro Alliance, Jim Schweigert, and he shared what lead him to start this group for young professionals in …

Ag Groups, ASTA, Audio, Education, Seed

CUTC Student Poster Competition Winners

Chuck Zimmerman

During the 2014 Corn Utilization and Technology Conference the winners of the Gary Lamie Graduate Student Poster Competition were announced. The program is sponsored by the Indiana Corn Marketing Council. Pictured are National Corn Growers Association President Martin Barbre (left) and NCGA Research and Development Action Team Chair Tom Mueller (right) with the top three poster winners. I visited with …

Ag Groups, Audio, Corn, CUTC, Education, NCGA

Special Award at CUTC

Chuck Zimmerman

During the 2014 Corn Utilization Technology Conference a special presentation was made by Tom Mueller, Chairman of the NCGA Research and Business Development Action Team. Tom is a corn grower from Illinois. He presented a plaque to the Indiana Corn Marketing Council for their significant support of the newly named Gary Lamie Graduate Student Poster Competition. Accepting was Dean Eppley …

Ag Groups, Corn, Education, NCGA

Breanne Brammer Joins Agri-Pulse as Summer Intern

Jamie Johansen

Agri-Pulse is pleased to announce the appointment of Breanne Brammer as a summer intern through the American Agricultural Editor’s Association. Brammer is a senior at the University of Missouri (MU), studying science and agricultural journalism with a dual minor in agricultural economics and international agriculture. “We are really pleased to have a young journalist like Breanne join us in Washington …

Ag Groups, Agri-Pulse, Education

Register Now for the Ag Industry’s Premier HR Event

Jamie Johansen

The early bird registration discount ends June 13 for the AgCareers.com 12th Annual North American Ag & Food HR Roundtable. The event brings together human resource professionals, senior leaders, college/university career services and faculty, and association representatives to discuss recruitment and retention within agriculture and food. This year’s Roundtable is August 5-7 in Minneapolis, MN., presented by AgCareers.com and hosted …

AgCareers, Education, Events

Alltech Young Scientist Winners

Chuck Zimmerman

This year over 8,500 students competed in the Alltech Young Scientist competition. That field was narrowed to eight who traveled to the Symposium to present their research papers to a panel of judges. On stage today, Dr. Mark Lyons and Dr. Inge Russell presented the global undergraduate and graduate awards. The undergraduate winner is Gillian Johnson, University of Limerick, Ireland. …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Education, University

Dryland Movie

Chuck Zimmerman

Speaking of movies about farming . . . We were speaking about movies about farming weren’t we? Have you heard of Dryland? I just found it because it just started following me on Twitter. Here’s what I know and I have not seen it. Have you? What do you think? I see that there are showings coming up at the …

Education, Farming, Video

AAA College Aggies

Chuck Zimmerman

The Animal Agriculture Alliance presented scholarships to several of the members of the current College Aggies Online group. Last November the Alliance announced the winners of the fall competition. Members of the University of Wisconsin, Madison Association of Women in Agriculture formed the top-scoring club with 229,820 total points, earning $5,000.00. Louisiana State University Les Voyageurs came in second place …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Education, University

National APLU Report Outlines Research Challenges

Jamie Johansen

The national Association of Public and Land-grant Universities released a report outlining six “grand challenges” facing the United States over the next decade in the areas of sustainability water, climate change, agriculture, energy and education. The APLU project was co-chaired by W. Daniel Edge, head of the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Oregon State University. The report is available …

Ag Groups, Education, Energy, Environment, Sustainability