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Chelsea Clinton On Women in Ag at #FoodPrize15

Joanna Schroeder

The official Borlaug 101 sessions kicked off yesterday afternoon in Des Moines, Iowa with remarks from Ambassador Kenneth M Quinn who is the president of the The World Food Prize Foundation. He acknowledged the famous founder, Norman Borlaug and that this year would have been his 101 birthday, while next year will be the 30th anniversary of World Food Prize. …

Audio, Education, Food, John Deere, World Food Prize

#WDE15 Book Celebrates Show’s Founder

Jamie Johansen

The World Dairy Expo is kickstarting a year long celebration of it’s 50th anniversary in 2016 with the publishing of We Need A Show, a commemorative book on the prestigious show’s history. Among the many contributors to the book’s content is Roy Hetts, son of World Dairy Expo Founder Alan Hetts. Alan Hetts’ was a lifelong Wisconsin Dairyman, and his …

Ag Groups, Audio, Dairy, Education, World Dairy Expo

ARC Annual Meeting and Scholarship

Kelly Marshall

The Agricultural Relations Council (ARC) is pleased to announce a scholarship program for college students studying agriculture communications. One $1,500 scholarship will be granted for the 2016-2017 school year. ARC conducted a scholarship program up until about 10 years ago, then reinstated it last year. Through the financial contributions of 2014 Hall of Fame recipients Richard Howell and Gary Myers, along with …

ARC, Education, Events

College Aggies Online Scholarship Program

John Davis

College students with an interest in agriculture will have the chance to get a real education and some real money to pay for education. The Animal Agriculture Alliance is launching its College Aggies Online (CAO) scholarship competition Sept. 28th. “This year’s College Aggies Online participants are really in for a rewarding experience,” said Alliance President and CEO Kay Johnson Smith. …

Education, University

Best College Farms In America Ranked

John Davis

The University of Virginia has the best college farm in the country. That’s according to College Ranker, as the website has ranked the top 40 college farms in America. Hundreds of colleges are using their farms for educational experiences for their current students, creating community-based learning opportunities, providing food for use on campus and even local farmers markets. The full …

Education, University

AgLink Creates MentorBoard

Kelly Marshall

AgLink, an agricultural networking website that promotes collaboration, has launched their “Build the Bench” mentoring campaign.  Named the MentorBoard, the site was designed to connect ag veterans to students and young professionals to encourage the creation of mentor/mentoree relationships. Also in the works is a collaboration with CSU Fresno to establish a scholarship for students taking advantage of this program.  The …

Agribusiness, Education

Alltech Young Scientist’s Now Hear “You’re Hired”

Jamie Johansen

Beginning in 2016, the annual Alltech Young Scientist program, the world’s largest university-level competition in agriscience, will offer fully-funded Ph.D. and post-doctorate positions to the global undergraduate and graduate winners along with the award and cash prizes. “The Alltech Young Scientist program has uncovered some of the best and brightest emerging research talent in agriscience, and Alltech wants these leaders …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Education, Research

GROWMARK Foundation Helps Educate About Ag

Cindy Zimmerman

At the GROWMARK/FS Services exhibit during the Farm Progress Show this past week, Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom received the latest in a long line of generous contributions to their efforts from the GROWMARK Foundation. Amy Bradford, who manages the foundation efforts, says they contributed another $70,000 this year as part of an annual donation to help improve ag literacy …

Audio, Education, Farm Progress Show, FS System, GROWMARK

Ding Wins National Potato Council Scholarship

Kelly Marshall

The National Potato Council (NPC) is pleased to announce the winner of the 2015-15  $10,000 academic scholarship. Shunping Ding, a PhD. student in Plant Pathology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is a graduate student who earned the award for her interest in research benefiting the potato industry. Ding is an enthusiastic researcher and dedicated student, who has proven to be a leader both …

Ag Groups, Education, Potato, Research