2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bayer CropScience Dedicated to Corn & Soybeans

Chuck Zimmerman

Providing the welcome address at the 2014 Bayer CropScience Corn & Soybean Future Forum is Mathias Kremer, Head of Strategy. In his comments Mathias talks about the company outlook for the growth of the corn and soybean markets. Additionally, he says they are investing a billion euros in research and development. Listen to my interview with Mathias to hear a …

Agribusiness, Audio, Corn, Crop Protection, Crop Science, Soybean

Crop Health Laboratories Presents Sap Analysis Seminar

Jamie Johansen

Available for the first time in North America, Plant Sap Analysis is transforming the landscape of American agriculture. With proven success in Europe for over 10 years, this technology reveals nutrient deficiency four to six weeks before standard tissue analysis. Crop Health Laboratories is hosting a Power Growers Seminar, November 7-8, 2014 in Santa Clara, inviting growers, researchers, and consultants …

Agribusiness, Agronomy, Crop Science

How BASF Innovation Yields Results

Cindy Zimmerman

Innovation and new technology are what have enabled farmers to continue feeding a growing population throughout history, and BASF Plant Science President Peter Eckes says that is what will take us into the future. “Ag is a great place to be and I think if you look at the last 100 years, technology has driven that,” said Eckes. “That has …

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, Crop Protection, Crop Science

Iowa Corn Board Receives Nitrogen Gene Patent

Jamie Johansen

The Iowa Corn Promotion Board is the recipient of a newly issued patent from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. This is the first U.S. patent that the Board has received for its work in nitrogen use efficiency in corn and related to transgenic plants that have increased nitrogen use efficiency, and/or increased yield using a patented gene. Specifically, patent …

Ag Groups, Corn, Crop Science

Alltech Asks “What If”

Jamie Johansen

Knowledge and planning provide a sense of relief, particularly in business. Business and Technology, one of the six major sessions during “What If,” the 30th Annual Alltech International Symposium will help attendees stay worry-free by asking, “What if there are faster ways to predict the future?” The session will offer businesses strategies to maximize efficiency by embracing technological innovations and …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Crop Science, Events, Technology

2014 Bayer Sustainability Award

Kristin Liska

During the ninth annual Ag Issues Forum last week, Bryan Boll of Minnesota was the recipient of the 2014 Bayer Young Farmer Sustainability Award. Bryan believes the key to sustainability is to look at your operation individually and see areas in which you can improve. I interviewed Bryan about the award and what sustainability means to him. Bryan is the …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Crop Science, Sustainability, Video

Agribusiness Needs More Young People

Chuck Zimmerman

Bringing new talent into an industry like agriculture and specifically a company like Bayer CropScience was a key theme that Inci Dannenberg wanted to discuss with ag media attending the 2014 Ag Issues Forum. I got to chat with her on my ZimmGlass. She is doing an interview with another ag journalist attending the Ag Issues Forum here in San …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Crop Science, Farming, Video

BASF Advanced Plant Health and Grower Engagement

Cindy Zimmerman

Advanced plant health and grower engagement were two topics that BASF Crop Protection representatives discussed with reporters at the recent National Association of Farm Broadcasting Trade Talk. Dr. Brianne Reeves is a member of the BASF Plant Health Technical Market team and in that role supports field research efforts and manages technical training for Priaxor® fungicide. Brianne is a DPM …

Audio, BASF, Crop Protection, Crop Science, NAFB

Never a Shortage of Research at Alltech

Jamie Johansen

There is never a shortage of topics to discuss when it comes to Alltech. The company was present for last week’s NAFB Convention Trade Talk and I chatted with Vice President of Alltech, Aidan Connolly and Ann Kopecky, Alltech’s North American Field PR Manager. Aidan shared how Alltech’s Crop Science program is exploring natural alternatives to fungicides and focusing on …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Audio, Crop Science, Dairy, NAFB