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Agrauxine by Lesaffre Announces New Microbial Bio-nematicide

Cindy Zimmerman

Agrauxine by Lesaffre announces the launch of its new bio-nematicide Atroforce to the marketplace for use on soybeans, corn, cotton and potatoes as well as other cereal grains, brassicas, cucurbits and fiber type plants. Atroforce is a broad spectrum bio-nematicide that reduces damage caused by nematodes including lesion, dagger, root know, reniform, spiral, lance and soybean cyst and minimizes egg …

Biologicals, Corn, Crop Protection, Fungicide

Syngenta’s Victrato® Getting Closer to Registration

Cindy Zimmerman

Syngenta Seedcare technical lead Dr. Dale Ireland has been working on developing TYMIRIUM technology for over a decade and it is finally approaching the finish line. “We’re nearing registration for soybeans and once it’s registered, it will be called Victrato®. And that’s for soybeans for nematodes, sudden death syndrome, red crown rot and several other early season diseases that it …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Corn, Cotton, Crop Protection, Seed, Soybean, Syngenta, Technology

ZimmCast 736 – Syngenta Advancing Innovation

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. In this episode I am going to share some audio from the recent Syngenta Media Summit 2024 that was held in the new crop protection facility in Greensboro, NC. I am grateful for the opportunity to be with a group of agricultural journalists and have personal time with Syngenta leadership. You’ll hear more about …

Agribusiness, Audio, Crop Protection, Media, Syngenta, ZimmCast

Syngenta Offers Better Yield as the Better Deal

Cindy Zimmerman

Syngenta’s theme at the Farm Progress Show last week was Better Yield is the Better Deal, which technical development lead Dean Grossnickle explains is putting the right products on that acre to maximize yield, maximize performance and maximize that return on investment. “So it all starts with that weed control platform, putting down a product that is going to the …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Crop Protection, Farm Progress Show, Fungicide, Herbicide, Syngenta

Alliance Seeks to Control Weeds, Not Farming

Cindy Zimmerman

The Modern Ag Alliance, led by Bayer, was launched earlier this year to advocate for farmers’ access to safe and effective pesticides. The coalition of over 85 agricultural groups supports science-based regulation and labeling of crop protection tools that are essential for food production and sustainability and their rallying cry is “Control Weeds Not Farming.” Bayer sponsored a panel at …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Corn, Crop Protection, Farm Progress Show

ZimmCast 727 – Syngenta at Commodity Classic 2024

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. Once again I learned all about what’s new in the world of agribusiness for Syngenta during the Commodity Classic which was just held in Houston, TX. So this episode will feature interviews I did in the Syngenta booth. Between Cindy and myself this was our 7th conference of the year. You can find virtual …

Agribusiness, Audio, Commodity Classic, Crop Protection, Golden Harvest, NK Seeds, Sustainability, Syngenta, ZimmCast

American Vanguard Acquires Punto Verde in Ecuador

Cindy Zimmerman

American Vanguard Corporation subsidiary AMVAC LATAM has acquired Punto Verde, a well-established distributor in Guayaquil, Ecuador, to strengthen its presence in Latin American. AMVAC LATAM is a key player in the Latin American agricultural sector and has become a leader in the commercialization of crop protection products and Peter Eilers, Managing Director of American Vanguard’s international operations, says Ecuador is …

Agribusiness, AMVAC, Crop Protection, International

BioLumic and Gro Alliance Bring UV Light Technology to Row Crops

Cindy Zimmerman

BioLumic™ and Gro Alliance today announced a partnership to utilize ultraviolet (UV) light seed treatment technology for corn and soybean seed production. Based on 20 years of science and seven years of large-scale field validation, BioLumic’s proprietary light treatment technology regulates genetic expression in plants to improve yield, crop quality, root growth and plant resilience across specific cultivars. Since 2021, …

AgWired Precision, ASTA, Audio, Corn, Crop Protection, Precision Agriculture, Seed, Soybean

Syngenta and Biotalys Announce Biologicals Partnership

Cindy Zimmerman

Syngenta Crop Protection and Biotalys have announced a collaboration to research, develop and commercialize new biocontrol solutions to manage key pests in a broad variety of crops. The new solution will be based on Biotalys’ AGROBODY™ technologyand will offer a new mode of action to broaden farmers’ access to novel technologies that counter the threat of pest resistance and advance …

Biologicals, Crop Protection, Syngenta

DPH Biologicals Releases New Biological Seed Treatment

Cindy Zimmerman

DPH Biologicals today launched a multi-action biofungicide seed treatment called BellaTrove™ Companion Maxx ST that helps seedlings fight pathogens and ensures healthy root systems. BellaTrove Companion Maxx ST is derived from DPH Biologicals’ proprietary strain of a plant-stimulating rhizobacterium. The EPA-registered OMRI-certified biofungicide and bactericide stimulates a plant’s natural defenses against pathogens while improving nutrient uptake and root health. BellaTrove …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Biologicals, Crop Protection, Seed