Promoting Sustainability with e3 Cotton

Carrie Muehling

Those attending the 2020 BASF Agronomic Performance Trials (APT) Summit had the opportunity to learn more about the e3 Sustainable Cotton Program. “What makes it unique is that we offer a program that can actually trace the cotton bale from the time it’s harvested at the grower’s field all the way through the entire value chain until it shows up …

Audio, BASF, Cotton, Sustainability

Heliae and R.W. Griffin Team Up for Georgia Soil Health

Cindy Zimmerman

Appropriately on World Soil Day, Heliae® Agriculture announced a partnership with the R.W. Griffin family of companies to drive soil health in Georgia and North Florida. R.W. Griffin, one of the largest fertilizer retailers in Georgia, has become one of the company’s official distributors for the southeast region. Griffin Evans, Chemical and Seed Director for R.W. Griffin says, “We are …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Cotton, Peanuts, Soil

Sustainable Cotton, Wheat Hybrids and More from BASF

Carrie Muehling

BASF continues to innovate in a number of agricultural spaces, including a sustainable cotton program. Working with Wrangler and other companies, products like blue jeans branded as “Rooted” can be documented as being grown through sustainable practices. “All this cotton is grown by a system of documented sustainability which we help growers with. They, through a farm management system, record …

AgWired Precision, Audio, BASF, Cotton, Vegetables, Wheat

New Dicamba-tolerant Stoneville Varieties from BASF

Cindy Zimmerman

***Post Updated with interview*** BASF has added three new dicamba-tolerant Stoneville® cottonseed varieties to its ever-expanding cotton portfolio. “At BASF, we’re committed to providing growers with choice and innovation in the seed traits they’re using in their fields,” said Malin Westfall, Head of U.S. Cotton Business at BASF. “With the new line of Bollgard® 3 XtendFlex® cotton technology added into …

BASF, Cotton

AMVAC® Cotton Industry Advancement Scholarship

Cindy Zimmerman

AMVAC Chemical Corporation is now accepting applications for its 2019 Cotton Industry Advancement Scholarship. Seven $2,000 scholarships will be awarded. Applicants must be nominated by a practicing cotton consultant, have worked for a cotton consultant at some point between 2017 and 2019 and be either a senior in high school or currently enrolled full-time in an undergrad or graduate-level agricultural …

AgWired Precision, AMVAC, Cotton

Trials Show At-Plant Nematicide Increases Cotton Yield Potential

Cindy Zimmerman

Recent university trials show that an at-plant nematicide application can help Southern cotton growers who are battling nematodes increase their yield, which gives cotton fields treated with Velum® Total an advantage, according to Bayer. Keith Rucker, Bayer senior technical service representative, says at-plant application reduces the nematode population density, protects the root system and increases the opportunity to develop a …

Bayer, Cotton, Crop Protection

BASF Honors Top FiberMax Cotton Growers

Cindy Zimmerman

At a gathering in Lubbock, Texas last week, BASF celebrated cotton growers who achieved four-bale or greater yields by welcoming them to the exclusive FiberMax® One Ton Club™ for their 2018 harvest results. Ninety-one new members joined the club this year, bringing total membership to 1,181 cotton growers. Several members received special recognition, including – Most acres and most varieties: …

AgWired Precision, Audio, BASF, Cotton

2019 TCGA Trade Show Underway

Chuck Zimmerman

The 2019 Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association & Annual Meeting & Cotton Trade Show is underway in Lubbock, TX. The ribbon was cut this morning and a large crowd is anticipated for the 112th annual event. That is, except for the Texas Tech cotton grower fans who are in or on the way to Minneapolis for the Final Four of men’s …

Audio, BASF, Cotton

Farmers Expected to Plant More Corn, Record Low Wheat

Cindy Zimmerman

More corn, but less soybeans, wheat and cotton is USDA’s forecast for Prospective Plantings this season. The report released on Friday puts corn planted acres for this year at 92.8 million acres, up 4 percent or 3.66 million acres from last year. Soybean planted area for 2019 is estimated at 84.6 million acres, down 5 percent from last year. All …

Audio, Corn, Cotton, Soybean, USDA, Wheat

Managing Bollworms with Prevathon® Insect Control

Cindy Zimmerman

Research conducted at Texas A&M University has shown wide-spread bollworm/earworm resistance to the majority cotton and corn Bt technologies and that cotton bollworms have developed resistance to pyrethroids to some degree in most of Texas. One of the insecticides recommended for growers to manage cotton bollworm populations is FMC Prevathon. At the recent Mid-South Farm and Gin Show, we talked …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Cotton, Farm & Gin Show, FMC, Insecticides, Video