RFA Ethanol Podcast

USDA Grants Include Climate Smart Ag for Low Carbon Fuel

Cindy Zimmerman

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will invest nearly $75 million for 15 partner-led projects to address natural resource concerns on private lands. The projects include a $7.5 million investment in the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE)-led Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) project to secure farmers premier access to low carbon fuel standard (LCFS) markets based on their adoption of …

ACE, Audio, Biofuels, carbon, climate, Conservation, Corn, Ethanol, USDA

Syngenta Seeds Helps Farmers Address Challenges

Cindy Zimmerman

Increased corn rootworm pressure is being seen around the Midwest this year but hybrids with the Agrisure Duracade trait have proven effective in limiting the impact of the pests. Syngenta Seeds recently announced results from a field study on the effects of corn rootworm (CRW), In July, the Syngenta Seeds agronomy team conducted a series of root digs across Nebraska, …

Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, Syngenta

NK Seeds Field Forged Series™ at #FPS21

Cindy Zimmerman

Syngenta announced the first-ever Field Forged Series™ from NK Seeds earlier year. Now available for the 2022 growing season from retailers across the U.S., the inaugural Field Forged Series lineup features 26 total hybrids, including 10 new NK® corn hybrids and 4 new Enogen® corn hybrids, and 20 new NK soybean varieties, and farmers were definitely showing an interest at …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, Seed, Soybean, Syngenta

US Corn, Soybean, and Cotton Production Forecast Higher

Cindy Zimmerman

Corn, soybean, and cotton production is up from 2020, according to the latest Crop Production report issued Friday by USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). According to the report, corn production is up 6% from last year, forecast at 15.0 billion bushels; soybean growers are expected to increase their production 6% from 2020, forecast at 4.37 billion bushels; and cotton …

Corn, Cotton, Soybean, USDA

Enogen Corn Could Increase Beef Producer Sustainability

Cindy Zimmerman

A five percent increase in feed efficiency can not only help livestock producers save some money, it can also help increase their sustainability. Syngenta Seeds has found through research around the country that using Enogen corn for feed delivers an average 5% increase in feed efficiency, according to Chris Cook, Head, Enogen at Syngenta Seeds. “Potential feed efficiency gains of …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, Corn, Dairy, Feed, Livestock, Syngenta

New Hybrids Join Golden Harvest® Corn Portfolio

Cindy Zimmerman

At the Farm Progress Show last week, Golden Harvest announced the addition of 19 new hybrids to its corn portfolio. Backed by the speed, power and precision of Syngenta Seeds research and development, the 19 new Golden Harvest corn hybrids range in relative maturity from 90 to 117 days and include: Four hybrids with Agrisure Artesian® technology, built for top-end …

Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, Seed, Syngenta

Day Two of the 2021 Farm Progress Show

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello from Decatur, IL and the second day of the Farm Progress Show. It’s another beautiful day with some cooler temperatures and lots of excitement in the air. The Golden ZimmComm Microphone got off to a great start yesterday with the current president of the National Corn Growers Association, John Linder, a farmer from Ohio. Linder and other association leaders …

Ag Groups, Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, NCGA

Pro Farmer Estimates Top USDA Forecasts

Chuck Zimmerman

Prior to this week’s Farm Journal Field Days, Pro Farmer, a division of Farm Journal, conducted it’s 29th annual Pro Farmer Crop Tour. To learn about the results I spoke with Brian Grete, Pro Farmer, about the data they collected across seven key midwestern states for corn and soybeans. You can listen in here. Interview with Brian Grete, Pro Farmer …

Audio, Corn, Farm Journal, Soybean

ZimmCast 676 – Ethanol and Sturgis Motorcycle Rally

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. Last week I attended the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, working primarily in the Buffalo Chip Campground with the Renewable Fuels Association. This is the 8th time I’ve had this opportunity to work with a group of great people, creating content during the various sponsorship activities. It is both an educational as well as promotional effort, …

Audio, Biofuels, Corn, Ethanol, RFA, ZimmCast

Corn and Soybean Acres Up

Cindy Zimmerman

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) estimates 92.7 million acres of corn planted in the United States for 2021, up 2% from last year, and soybean area planted is estimated at 87.6 million acres, up 5% from last year. Harvested area for both crops are estimated to also be higher by the same percentages. The 2021 …

Corn, Cotton, Soybean, USDA, Wheat