2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

GROWMARK Talks Farm Bill Priorities

Carrie Muehling

The House version of the farm bill is expected to come to the floor this week, and GROWMARK is among those weighing in with policymakers about priorities for the legislation. The cooperative is particularly looking for support of the Conservation Title, among others. “Important to conservation is to make sure that we have program funding to put conservation practices on …

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Conservation, Farm Bill, GROWMARK, Sustainability

GROWMARK, NRCS Partner for Conservation

Cindy Zimmerman

GROWMARK and USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) recently signed a national Memorandum of Understanding to further sound agronomic and conservation practices. Ryan White, Dir. of Agronomy Marketing and Agronomy Information Services for GROWMARK, says the MOU is about the GROWMARK system commitment to working with farmers in a profitable and sustainable way. “We both have the same customer and …

Audio, Conservation, FS System, GROWMARK, USDA

Soil Health Partnership Grows Program

Cindy Zimmerman

The Soil Health Partnership (SHP) is expanding its program thanks to a large investment made by the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) and matched by other donors. The FFAR, a nonprofit established in the 2014 Farm Bill, awarded a $9.4 million grant to SHP, the Soil Health Institute, and The Nature Conservancy. The grant is being matched by …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Conservation, Corn, NCGA, Soil, Soil Health Partnership

2017 Missouri Leopold Conservation Award Winner

Jamie Johansen

Sand County Foundation and Missouri Farmers Care announced the recipients of Missouri’s inaugural Leopold Conservation Award® during the 2017 National Association of Farm Broadcasting’s (NAFB) Annual Convention. The Leopold Conservation Award honors farmer, rancher and forester achievement in voluntary stewardship and management of natural resources. This marks the first year this prestigious award has been presented to a Missouri farmer …

Ag Groups, AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, Conservation, Environment, NAFB

Soil Health Partnership Simulates Rain at FPS17

Carrie Muehling

The weather was perfect at the 2017 Farm Progress Show but it was raining in the Soil Health Partnership exhibit. The highlight of the exhibit was a rainfall simulator, demonstrating the effects of rainfall on different types of management practices. The eye catching display provided an opportunity for the Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership to promote different aspects of soil management …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Conservation, Farm Progress Show, Soil Health Partnership

Illinois Farmers Reach Out With GROWMARK 4R4U

Carrie Muehling

Illinois farmer Jack McCormick uses social media platforms to share information about projects that can fit into the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy with other farmers and the general public. The effort is part of the Illinois 4R4U program, launched in October 2016. The collaboration between GROWMARK and county Farm Bureaus in Illinois includes trials on cover crops, nitrogen and …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Conservation, Farm Progress Show, GROWMARK, Nutrient Management

Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Report

Cindy Zimmerman

The directors of the Illinois Department of Agriculture and Illinois Environmental Protection Agency yesterday presented the state’s Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy Biennial Report at the Farm Progress Show. This report describes actions taken in Illinois during the last two years to reduce nutrient losses and influence positive changes in nutrient loads over time. Illinois’ Strategy is one of numerous other …

Audio, Conservation, Farm Progress Show, GROWMARK, Nutrient Management, Water

Soil Health Institute Endorses 19 Soil Health Measurements

Cindy Zimmerman

After three years of industry collaboration, the Soil Health Institute (SHI) has endorsed 19 national soil health measurements that will help answer the question “Just how healthy (or unhealthy) are the nation’s soils?” “We can’t really know the answer to that question until we have a set of common soil health measurements that scientists and farmers can compare and track …

AgWired Precision, Conservation, Soil, Sustainability

Seven Years of Finding CommonGround

Kelly Marshall

CommonGround is hosting their 7th annual National Conference in St. Louis, Missouri this week. Members of the organization, which focuses on providing an opportunity for conversations between consumers and farmers, are celebrating seven years of success and planning for the future of the program. Joan Ruskamp is a CommonGround volunteer who has been part of the effort almost from the …

Audio, Conservation, Farming, Food

Beef’s Environmental Stewardship Award Finalists

Jamie Johansen

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s (NCBA) announced the six finalists in the Environmental Stewardship Award Program (ESAP). The award recognizes the operation’s outstanding stewardship and conservation efforts. This year’s regional winners will compete for the national award, which will be announced during the Annual Cattle Industry Convention in Phoenix, Ariz., in February 2018. Regional Winners: – Flying Diamond Ranch in …

Ag Groups, AgWired Animal, Beef, Conservation, Environment, NCBA