It was over 30 years ago that soybean farmers found a new market for their product in fuel made from soybean oil that was eventually called biodiesel, but the market for that clean fuel has expanded to include new feedstocks and opportunities. Clean Fuels Alliance America, formally known as the National Biodiesel Board, hosted a Learning Center Session at the …
Ag and Food Summit Features SAF Discussion
Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) was the topic of two panels at Monday’s “2024 Ag & Food Policy Summit: Revitalizing Rural Revenues” in Washington D.C. and there was a lot of discussion surrounding the GREET model, changes in the RFS, carbon sequestration, corn ethanol, and new feedstocks. Alder Renewables CEO Tim Obitts says agriculture holds the key to the future for …
Zeakal PhotoSeed Breakthrough Delivers Higher Energy Corn
ZeaKal today announces its groundbreaking PhotoSeed™ technology in corn, designed to improve the crop’s oil and sustainability profile without compromising yield or protein. In first year replicated field trials, PhotoSeed increased corn oil composition by an average of 23 percent. PhotoSeed enhances a plant’s photosynthetic capacity, capturing more CO2 and sunlight. This additional carbon capture increases oil production without taking …
ZimmCast 726 – Clean and Renewable Fuels
The push for everything to be more carbon neutral and sustainable has never been stronger, and that continues to increase the demand for clean and renewable fuels. Clean Fuels Alliance America and the Renewable Fuels Association have both held their annual conferences this year to focus on the challenges and opportunities for the U.S. biofuels industry. The Clean Fuels Conference …
Federal Clean Fuels Policy Update
At the Clean Fuels Conference in Fort Wort last week, Kurt Kovarik, who serves as Vice President, Federal Affairs for Clean Fuels, provided an update on federal policies and described the work Clean Fuels does on the Hill. A significant part of it is education and persistence. Kovarik leads members in advocating federal policies that support the industry’s growth. Kovarik …
Clean Fuels CEO Optimistic as Industry Faces Headwinds
On the MainStage at the 2024 Clean Fuels Conference, Clean Fuels Alliance America CEO Donnell Rehagen, provided a state of the industry report noting that it is a very transformative time for clean fuels, biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel. “We are facing a serious headwind right now with the low RVOs set by the EPA as part of …
ADM and Syngenta Group Partner for New Biofuels Feedstocks
ADM and Syngenta Group have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to collaborate on the development of low carbon, next-generation oilseeds and improved varieties to help meet growing demand for biofuels fueled by sustainable aviation fuel. ADM and Syngenta hope to leverage their existing capabilities to accelerate the research, processing, and commercialization of oilseeds such as Camelina that are typically …
Syngenta Seeds and Sustainable Oils to Sell Camelina Seed
Syngenta Seeds was pleased to make a big announcement the first day of Farm Progress Show Tuesday about a new agreement with Sustainable Oils, Inc. to sell Camelina sativa (camelina) seed – an ultra-low carbon oilseed crop that can be used as feedstock for sustainable aviation fuel and renewable fuels, and an ingredient for sustainable animal feed. The collaboration reflects …
Herbicide Tolerant Camelina Supports Large Acre Production
Yield10 Bioscience announces positive results in the first field test of stacked herbicide tolerance (“HT”) traits in Camelina, which will help support grower adoption for the biofuel feedstock market by enabling weed control and increased access to acreage previously treated with Group 2 herbicides. Yield10 is executing a program to develop and commercialize spring and winter Camelina varieties with stacked …
Peanut Farmers Interested in SAF
Finding new uses for peanuts is becoming a priority for the industry and there was a lot of interest at the Southern Peanut Growers Conference this year in sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). “Peanut oil is very suitable for conversion into a jet fuel…to be able to get into that market would be a further use for peanuts and peanut oil …