send news release today

The Synergies of Beef and Dairy

Chuck Zimmerman

A little bit of history is being made here in Denver today at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference. The Cattlemen’s Beef Board is collaborating with the National Dairy Council to put on a joint beef/dairy issues forum. It’s called “Beef & Dairy: Harnessing the Synergies on Nutrition.” Some of the topics include: The New Nutrition Environment: Common Challenges and Opportunities …

Ag Groups, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, Dairy

National Beef Ambassadors

Chuck Zimmerman

To be an ambassador you’ve got to be passionate about your subject. These ladies are definitely that. Pictured are (left-right) Carol Abrahamzon, ANCW, project manager from Minnesota, Joann Strom, South Dakota, Londa Johnson, Minnesota, Amanda Rankin, California and Christie Molinaro, Pennsylvania. I asked them what it means to be a beef ambassador and what they do. One of their most …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference

Beef Board Members Will Be BUSY

Chuck Zimmerman

The executive committee of the Beef Board is already at work here in Denver. They get together to make sure everything is in order before everyone else arrives at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference. At their lunch meeting I spoke with CBB chairman, Ken Stielow. He provides us with an overview of the conference from the Checkoff perspective. Ken says …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference

The Cattle Industry Media Room Masters

Chuck Zimmerman

The masters of the media room are Joe Schuele and Grace Webb. Once again they’re setting up for the media. This time at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference. Things don’t really get cranked up until tomorrow but us bloggers are on the scene early (actually I’m the only one here at the moment). I interviewed Joe and Grace as they …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference

Beef Board Blogging Once Again

Chuck Zimmerman

This week I’ll be the Beef Board Blogger once again in Denver. It’s time for the Cattle Industry Summer Conference. I’ll be posting here and on Beef Board That’s the Cattlemen’s Beef Board blog which is used to archive committee meeting agendas, notes and minutes. This will be the 4th meeting that I’ve blogged for CBB. The site is …

Ag Groups, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference

Get Juicy Gossip on Meat

Laura McNamara

Beef, poultry, pork… pick your pleasure. The American Meat Institute is launching a new Web Site to demonstrate how the meat industry responds to consumers and constumers. The American Meat Institute (AMI) today launched, a new web site showcasing how U.S. meat and poultry industry structure and practices are a response to signals from customers and make the U.S. …

Beef, Farm Policy, Food, Pork, Poultry

Zeal for the Veal

Laura McNamara

This year’s “Battle for Manhattan,” an “Iron Chef” style culinary battle that features the fine, delicate taste of veal, was waged for its second year. It’s no surprise that it was Italian-inspired cuisine that captured the best tastes of veal. As part of its “Go to Market” strategy, the checkoff-funded veal program held a cooking competition last week in New …

Ag Groups, Beef, Food

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane… It’s a Beef Blimp

Laura McNamara

About 200,000 NASCAR fans attending the race at Dover International Speedway in Dover, Maryland got a heads up on beef June 1st through 3rd. The “It’s What’s For Dinner” blimp debuted at the race, along with beef samples for fans at the “Monster Mile”. The beef balloon was part of the checkoff-funded Northeast Beef Promotion Initiative (NEBPI), a project of …

Advertising, Beef, Food