2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Holiday Wishes from ANCW

Jamie Johansen

The American National CattleWomen would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill, and may the year ahead be filled with contentment and joy.


Cow That Stole Christmas 10 Years Later

Cindy Zimmerman

This week marks the tenth anniversary of the “cow that stole Christmas” – a day that will live in infamy for the U.S. cattle industry and one that Kendal Frazier with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association remembers well. Kendal recalls that NCBA received a phone call from USDA at 1:30 pm on December 23, 2003. “We immediately started to implement …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, NCBA

Merck’s Attack on BRD

Jamie Johansen

Merck Animal Health is dedicated to spreading the awareness of one of the most common diseases found in the cattle industry. Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) continues to take an economic toll on herds across the country. During NAFB’s Trade Talk I spoke with Dr. Brent Meyer, technical services veterinarian for Merck. He shares what the company is doing to tackle …

Agribusiness, Animal Health, Audio, Beef, NAFB

Update From NCBA at NAFB

Jamie Johansen

The National Association of Farm Broadcasting’s Trade Talk gave us the opportunity to chat with leaders of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA). President Elect for NCBA, Bob McCan, is from Victoria, TX and he operates a 5th generation purebred commercial herd of Brafords. I spoke with him during the event and he shed some light on trade, immigration and …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, NAFB, NCBA

Rabo AgriFinance Report From NAFB

Jamie Johansen

Rabo AgriFinance was present for the recent Trade Talk during the 2013 NAFB Convention. The company is the leading U.S. ag lender and specializes in protein to produce and inputs to oilseeds. Their expert team monitors and evaluates the global market that influences agriculture around the world. I spoke with two of the team’s analysts at the event and they …

Agribusiness, Audio, Beef, Corn, Grains, Markets, Media, NAFB, Soybean

Update from Animal Ag Alliance at NAFB

Jamie Johansen

The Animal Agriculture Alliance has been busy over the course of the last year staying up-to-date on animal ag issues, researching current activist campaigns and advocating farm policy. At the 2013 NAFB Convention I met up with Kay Johnson Smith, President and CEO, and Emily Meredith, Director of Communications during the events Trade Talk. Hot topics of discussion included the …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Beef, Livestock, Media, NAFB, Pork, Poultry

Small Numbers But Growing Market

Jamie Johansen

Herd numbers are down this year in the beef community, but enthusiasm is high. Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB) Chairman, Weldon Wynn was on hand at this year’s Trade Talk during the NAFB Convention. There is no doubt that the checkoff dollar is slim, but Weldon said they are making that dollar stretch. Weldon went on to discuss our international market, …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, Media, NAFB, NCBA

NCBA’s Government Affairs Advocating for Beef

Jamie Johansen

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) attended this year’s NAFB Trade Talk event and I spoke with Colin Woodall, Vice President of Government Affairs, while stopping by their booth. Colin voiced that it is an exciting time to be part of the beef community. He admits herd numbers are down, but that it means people are making money. Beyond cattle …

Audio, Beef, Farm Bill, Farm Policy, Media, NAFB, NCBA

Checkoff Changes Marketing Direction in FY14

Melissa Sandfort

Millennials and other beef consumers can now see and hear the tantalizing sights and sounds of “Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner” messages without putting down their mobile devices or leaving the comfort of their keyboards and social-media circles. That’s thanks to a Sept. 25 decision by the 20-member Beef Promotion Operating Committee to make a major shift in strategic direction …

Agribusiness, Beef, Marketing

Donate to South Dakota Rancher Relief Fund

Talia Goes

South Dakota Cattlemen’s Association, South Dakota Stockgrowers Association and South Dakota Sheep Growers Association established the South Dakota Rancher Relief Fund Oct. 8, 2013 with the Black Hills Area Community Foundation to provide support and relief assistance to those in the agriculture industry impacted by the blizzard of Oct. 4-7, 2013. The fund will be administered by the South Dakota …

Agribusiness, Beef, Farming, Horses