Using Data to Create Change

Jamie Johansen

Record markets and expansion in the beef industry and especially in the Hereford breed has provided opportunity for investments. The American Hereford Association jumped at this and put together an educational event for their breeders. The Hereford Genetic Summit took place last week at Missouri State University’s Darr Agricultural Center and breeders flooded in with open ears. “We are really …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Education, Events

Hereford Breeders Unite for Genetic Summit

Jamie Johansen

I am headed to Springfield, MO today for the Hereford Genetic Summit being held at the Christopher S. Bond Learning Center located at the Darr Agricultural Center on the Missouri State University campus. As a Hereford breeder, this event is near and dear in my heart. Tune in for audio and photos as I capture all the happenings here on …

Ag Groups, Animal Health, Beef, Education

Alltech Press Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

During the Alltech Global Dairy and Beef Conference this afternoon Dr. Pearse Lyons held an informal press conference. Some of the first questions asked dealt with Alltech’s future plans for growth in countries like Ukraine, Russia and Australia. He also talked about his philosophy of investing in an idea, sticking with it and watching it turn into reality and grow. …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Audio, Beef, Dairy, International

Opening Reception for Alltech Global

Chuck Zimmerman

The Alltech Global Dairy & Beef Conference got underway with a very tasty reception at the Centre International Deauville. Dr. Pearse Lyons welcomed us to France and then introduced some world class music. The food here in Deauville is awesome. We had some great hamburgers at the reception. I am sure it was some local Normandy beef! But that was …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Animal Health, Audio, Beef, Dairy

State Fairs – A Family Affair

Jamie Johansen

I literally grew up at the Missouri State Fair. I was just a little one when I first attended the fair with my dad and I haven’t missed a year since. My dad worked for the Missouri FFA and ran the FFA Building during the two-week event. I remember hanging out with the State FFA Officers while running through displays …

Beef, Farming, Livestock

New Documentary Chronicles Dry Times in Colorado

Jamie Johansen

Host of Colorado’s 850 KOA Morning Show, Steffan Tubbs, and producer/director of Droughtland the documentary, spoke to attendees of this year’s Cattle Industry Summer Conference. Steffan grew up with a great appreciation for farmers and ranchers and as he moved through his career in journalism, he has continued to express a passion for the ag community and has spent the …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Farming, NCBA, Video, Weather

WD Farr Scholarship Winners

Jamie Johansen

Congratulations to two young agricultural professionals who were awarded the WD Farr Scholarship during the 2014 Cattle Industry Summer Conference. Ariel Overstreet-Adkins from Big Timber, Montana and Josh Ison from Batavia, Ohio were honored at the first session by the National Cattlemen’s Foundation and the Farr family. They each received a $12,000 graduate scholarship. Ariel will use it to finish …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, NCBA

We Have Cluck’n Mooed

Chuck Zimmerman

After bringing Cluck’N Moo Burgers to your attention recently I got a chance to try them out on the grill. I had some apprehension based on the description but, hey, I’m willing to give something new a try. So, I thawed a box of four and Cindy and I tried them last night. I topped them with some seasoning before …

Beef, Food, Poultry