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Using Data to Create Change

Jamie Johansen

hereford-14-39-editedRecord markets and expansion in the beef industry and especially in the Hereford breed has provided opportunity for investments. The American Hereford Association jumped at this and put together an educational event for their breeders. The Hereford Genetic Summit took place last week at Missouri State University’s Darr Agricultural Center and breeders flooded in with open ears.

“We are really looking towards the future. How do we position the Hereford breed to continually succeed and move forward in market share? How do we become more relevant to the commercial cow/calf industry and the consumer? We really wanted to hone in on where we are today and where we need to go tomorrow.”

The day and a half long event was packed full of experts speaking on the importance of the consumer, the economic side of the beef industry, how genetics come into play with the commercial breeders and how as seedstock producers we need to be thinking about the future.

I asked Craig to share what he thought the number one thing he wanted attendees to take home and truly implement in their herds. He said, “I think the number one thing data. Use the information and turn it in. Use that data and reliable information to make change. That change needs to be in a direction that is helping the commercial producer sell their product at a higher rate.”

Listen to my complete interview with Craig here: Interview with Craig Huffhines, AHA Executive VP

If you weren’t able to attend the event and want to catch up on what you missed Missouri State University’s MediaSite has audio, video and presentations from all speakers.

Animal.AgWired will be posting more on this event.

Find all photos from the event here: Hereford Summit Photo Album.

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Education, Events