2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bayer Commits Funding to 4-H and FFA

Carrie Muehling

At the 2019 Farm Progress Show, Bayer announced a $6 million gift over the next five years to support 4-H and FFA youth programs. “It’s no secret that U.S. agriculture is facing a lot of challenges right now, but there is no better time to invest in the future than now,” said Lisa Safarian, Head of Crop Science, North America. …

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Farm Progress Show, FFA

Bayer Talks Sustainability, Transparency

Carrie Muehling

Sustainability and transparency are more than just buzz words to Bayer, according to Utz Klages, who works in communications out of the company’s Crop Science headquarters in Monheim, Germany. “For us, it’s important to fill sustainability with life, with action, with measures and also with some core activity,” said Klages. “We are a company with more than 150 years history. …

Ag Media Summit, Audio, Bayer, Sustainability

Happy Pollinator Week!

Cindy Zimmerman

The birds and the bees, the bats and the butterflies, and the Bayer Blue Ribbon beekeepers are all in the spotlight this week for the 12th annual National Pollinator Week celebration. Pollinator Week was initiated and is managed by Pollinator Partnership. Twelve years ago the U.S. Senate’s unanimous approval and designation of a week in June as “National Pollinator Week” …

AgWired Precision, Bayer, Bees, pollinators

Bayer Youth Ag Summit Participants Chosen

Cindy Zimmerman

Bayer has selected the 100 participants from 45 countries for the fourth edition of the Youth Ag Summit in Brasilia, Brazil November 4-6, in partnership with Nuffield Brazil. The Youth Ag Summit, part of the Bayer Agricultural Education Program, brings together young change-makers aged 18-25 to tackle the challenges of how to feed a growing population by 2050. For this …

AgWired Precision, Bayer, Food

Bayer Reacts to Latest Glyphosate Trial Result

Cindy Zimmerman

A third case over the herbicide Roundup resulted in a jury awarding a California couple who developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma more than $2 billion in damages, the largest award so far. The jury found that Monsanto “acted with malice, oppression or fraud” for failing to warn about the risks of spraying Roundup, which became part of Bayer last year. A press …

AgWired Precision, Bayer

Water for Hungry World Important for Bayer

Cindy Zimmerman

Bayer is the gold sponsor at this week’s 2019 Water for Food Global Conference “Water for a Hungry World: Innovation in Water and Food Security.” “We believe that innovation, technology, digital tools and partnerships are critical to address the complexity (of water and agriculture issues),” said Bayer Director of Collaborations for Developing Countries Mark Edge. Edge presented “Sustainable Solutions for …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Water, Water for Food

Joyn Bio Joins Bayer Facility and Adds Reiter to Board

Cindy Zimmerman

Ag-biotech company Joyn Bio has signed a long-term lease to locate its plant sciences team within Bayer’s Vegetable Seed Facility in Woodland, California to accelerate ongoing research. In addition, the company has appointed Bayer Head of Research and Development for Crop Science, Dr. Robert Reiter, to its board of directors. The Joyn R&D team in Boston has developed microbial leads …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Bayer, Biotech

Trials Show At-Plant Nematicide Increases Cotton Yield Potential

Cindy Zimmerman

Recent university trials show that an at-plant nematicide application can help Southern cotton growers who are battling nematodes increase their yield, which gives cotton fields treated with Velum® Total an advantage, according to Bayer. Keith Rucker, Bayer senior technical service representative, says at-plant application reduces the nematode population density, protects the root system and increases the opportunity to develop a …

Bayer, Cotton, Crop Protection

Bayer Feed A Bee Milestone

Chuck Zimmerman

The Bayer national pollinator forage initiative, Feed a Bee, has announced it has reached its goal of awarding grants supporting diverse forage for honey bees and other pollinators in all 50 states. The 50th recipient awarded recently was Gateway to the Arctic Camp in Talkeetna, Alaska. I talked with Dr. Becky Langer, Bayer, about the milestone and success of this …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Bees

Bayer Reacts to Verdict in Second Roundup Case

Cindy Zimmerman

A jury in California reached a unanimous verdict Tuesday that the herbicide Roundup was a significant factor in causing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma to develop in a second person. Another jury reached that conclusion last year and awarded the plaintiff $289 million. The verdict this week is the first phase of the trial in the case of 70-year Edwin Hardeman. The trial …

AgWired Precision, Bayer, Herbicide