Evolving Weather Patterns Challenge Farmers

Cindy Zimmerman

Changing precipitation patterns continue to challenge farmers across the Corn Belt, according to Dennis Todey, director of USDA’s Midwest Climate Hub. “As the agricultural landscape evolves, it’s vital to keep farmers informed with the latest data and insights,” said Todey. “Understanding changes in weather patterns and other factors empowers them to make better decisions and optimize their operations.” Todey recently …

Audio, Farm Progress Show, Nutrient Management, Weather

ZimmCast 735 – Preview of 2024 NAMA Fall Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. It’s time for the 2024 NAMA Fall Conference which will be held in Minneapolis, MN, October 14-16. The theme is “Fall Back” and you’ll hear why in my interview with Laura Rustmann, Director of Marketing and Sales, J.L. Farmakis, Inc. and Chair of the committee that is organizing the conference. BTW. You can register …

Agencies, Agribusiness, Audio, Media, NAMA, ZimmCast

Trump Puts John Deere on Notice

Cindy Zimmerman

During a roundtable discussion on agriculture in Pennsylvania Monday, former President Donald Trump called out John Deere for moving its manufacturing to Mexico. “I’m just notifying John Deere right now, if you do that we’re putting a 200% tariff on everything you want to sell into the United States,” said Trump, pointing out the Deere tractors in the backdrop and …

Audio, John Deere, politics, Tractor, Trade

Ethanol Report on Election Issues

Cindy Zimmerman

No matter what happens in November, there will be a new president in January and a new administration that could be radically different than the current one, and that could mean a big difference in the outcome of policy issues for the ethanol industry. In this edition of the Ethanol Report, Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Geoff Cooper discusses …

Audio, Ethanol, Podcasts, RFA

USDA Awards More Processing Plant Grants

Cindy Zimmerman

USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack announced Thursday more than $35 million in grants to 15 independent meat processors in 12 states to increase processing capacity, the final installment in the Meat and Poultry Processing Expansion Program (MPPEP) launched in 2022. Over $325 million total investment in 74 independent meat and poultry processing projects have been awarded. Joining Sec. Vilsack in making …

AgWired Animal, Audio, Beef, Farm Bill, Meat, Poultry, USDA

Trump Pledges to Help Farmers in Michigan

Cindy Zimmerman

During a campaign rally town hall in Flint, Michigan on Tuesday, former President Donald Trump was cheered when he talked about helping American farmers after being asked about high grocery prices. “We gotta work with our farmers. Our farmers are being decimated right now,” said Trump. “One of the reasons is we allow a lot of farm product into our …

Audio, Farming, Food, politics

USDA Working on Tracking Carbon Intensity

Cindy Zimmerman

USDA Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation Robert Bonnie is confident that sustainable aviation fuels hold great promise for American agriculture if we can get the rules right. “This is a real opportunity for American agriculture to create a marketplace that will reward them from the for the stewardship they have been doing and the stewardship they are and …

Agri-Pulse, AgWired Precision, Audio, Biofuels, carbon, climate, USDA

AgGateway Annual in Austin

Cindy Zimmerman

Registration is underway for the 2024 AgGateway Annual Conference, November 11-13, at the Downright Austin Hotel in Austin, TX. This event combines real working sessions on advanced initiatives, meet-ups and committee gatherings to discuss new and longer-term projects, and a host of conference sessions designed to create discussion and infuse enthusiasm for the AgGateway Mission. Along with learning and working …

ag retailers, AgGateway, Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio

LUCI Brings Food Value Chain Consensus

Chuck Zimmerman

A new multi-stakeholder Land Use Change Initiative (LUCI) is leading efforts to unite the food value chain in developing definitions, metrics and methodologies for quantifying land use change. The initiative is funded by the United Soybean Board (USB) in partnership with Carbon A List, and USB Board Chair Steve Reinhard, an Ohio farmer who presented keynote remarks at a recent …

Audio, carbon, Food, land, Soybean, USB

Pivot Bio at Farm Progress Show

Cindy Zimmerman

Customers using Pivot Bio sustainable agriculture products have reduced carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions by over 932,000 metric tons (MT) since the beginning of 2022, and now the company is offering zero percent financing for growers through December 2025. Pivot Bio agronomist Karen Zuver was talking with farmers at the recent Farm Progress Show about what Pivot Bio has to …

AgWired Precision, Audio, carbon, Farm Progress Show, Nutrient Management, Precision Agriculture