National Hay Association: Forages Important to Dairy Industry

Carrie Muehling

National Hay Association President Amy Freeburg has been a commercial hay grower supplying the dairy industry for 45 years. Alfalfa hay is a key feed used in the dairy industry, but Freeburg says wheat straw is also used in dairy rations because it floats in the rumen of the cow. Members of the association also grow grasses for dairy goats, …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Forage, World Dairy Expo

WMMB Focusing On Exports, Consumer Trust In Coming Year

Carrie Muehling

This year’s World Dairy Expo was the first for Chad Vincent in his role as CEO of the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board (WMMB). Vincent says the organization continues to invest checkoff dollars to drive trust, sales distribution and awareness of Wisconsin cheese and other dairy products. He says exports and emerging markets are a priority, with a focus on Asia …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Audio, World Dairy Expo

Building Trust Key For U.S. Dairy Industry

Carrie Muehling

Industry representatives at the 2017 World Dairy Expo are focused on building trust with both domestic consumers and those in potential export markets. Twenty years of farmer funded nutrition research showing that milk fat does not have a negative health impact has resulted in domestic cheese sales hitting an all-time high when it comes to per capita consumption. Consumption of …

Agribusiness, AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Dairy, World Dairy Expo

Animal Ag Bites 8/14

Kelly Marshall

This year’s Poultry Protein & Fat Seminar, sponsored by USPOULTRY and the Poultry Protein & Fat Council, will be held October 5-6, 2017 at the Marriott Country Club Plaza in Kansas City, Missouri. The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association is accepting applications for their Marketing Ambassador Program that combines social media and the cattle industry.  Applications are due Tuesday, August 29th. …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Animal Bites

Adam McClung Recognized as Transformational Leader

Jamie Johansen

It is still hard to believe our friend and fellow ag communicator is no longer with us. We wanted to share the latest information from the Arkansas Cattlemen’s Association remembering Adam’s life and spirit. We send continued prayers to his family and close friends. – Adam McClung Recognized as Transformational Leader – Arkansas Cattlemen’s Association (ACA) Executive Vice President Adam …

Ag Groups, AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Beef

Ag Community Remembers Adam McClung

Jamie Johansen

UPDATED The beef and agricultural media communities lost a great man and passionate spokesperson for the industry. Adam McClung, executive director, Arkansas Cattlemen’s Association, passed away over the weekend after a brief but severe illness. Just weeks ago many Livestock Publications Council and American Ag Editors Association members were gathered together and Adam was among us. We all have such …

Ag Media Summit, AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Beef

SMART Farmer Jennifer Houston

Cindy Zimmerman

This edition of the SMART Farmer podcast features Tennessee native Jennifer Houston, a livestock market owner and beef cattle industry leader, who talks about how the business of producing and marketing beef cattle has become smarter in recent years. Houston is currently Vice President of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and serves on the board of the U.S. Farmers and …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Beef, Livestock, NCBA, USFRA

A World of First’s in PRRSV Research

Jamie Johansen

The world’s only provider of mucosal PRRSV and flu vaccines, Aptimmue, officially launched during the 2017 World Pork Expo. The vaccine utilizes the BARRICADE proprietary technologies and takes advantage of high-titer PRRSV antigen produced on ZMAC, the world’s only commercially available porcine based alveolar macrophage cell line. During the launch, I sat down with Dr. Jianqiang Zhang, Veterinary Diagnostic Lab, …

Agribusiness, AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Livestock, Pork, Swine, Veterinary, World Pork Expo

Aptimmune Launches World’s First Mucosal PRRSV Vaccine

Cindy Zimmerman

On opening day of World Pork Expo, Aptimmune Biologics launched the world’s first commercially available mucosal PRRSV vaccine for swine administered via nasal spray. Aptimmune’s autogenous mucosal PRRS vaccine utilizes the BARRICADE® proprietary vaccine technology, which offers producers and veterinarians a revolutionary approach to PRRSV management. The mucosal vaccine offers a new class of vaccine to combat a devastating and …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Animal Health, Audio, Swine, World Pork Expo