More High Speed Internet Access To Farmers

Chuck Zimmerman

Tom DoergeWhen we got to precision farming it was time for a tag team approach again. Getting this session started was Tom Doerge, Agronomy Research Scientist. Tom talked about using yield monitors and doing on-farm testing. He had some great photos of fields in which different treatments were applied side-by-side and in other patters. I will ask if these presentations are available.

Agribusiness, Pioneer

Nitrogen Efficient Corn

Chuck Zimmerman

Paul GasparNitrogen utilization is a very important issue today. Ask Cindy, who’s editing our DomesticFuel site where we have regular input from a guy who has a problem with the fact that so much nitrogen fertilizer is put on crops that are turned into fuel today (corn most importantly). Here’s Pioneer’s Paul Gaspar, Agronomy Research Scientist, giving us an update on what Pioneer is doing to improve nitrogen efficiency in corn.

Agribusiness, Pioneer

Hearing About Pioneer Research From Hawaii

Chuck Zimmerman

Virtual Hawaii Research StationAfter a short break this afternoon we got our virtual tour of the Pioneer Hawaii Research Station. Our presenters are Steven Lupkes, Coordinator and Cindy Goldstein, Outreach Manager. They are “online” with us on a two-way video/audio hookup. They’re talking about how and why they do research in Hawaii and the benefits and challenges it represents.

Agribusiness, Audio, Pioneer