They Speak To Ag

Chuck Zimmerman

Ag SpeakHere’s an interesting concept. A company to do online market research of farmers that’s owned by farmers. I’ve got an appointment to speak with Steve Hawkins tomorrow and will bring you that interview in next week’s ZimmCast.


Crushing Growth

Chuck Zimmerman

Archer Daniels MidlandThe old food vs. fuel debate never ends. I am of the opinion that our farmers and agribusinesses can more than compensate for the needs of both. For example, take this announcement from ADM. They’re going to increase oilseed crushing capacity at a number of plants. I’m sure this is just one example of how we’ll continue to develop alternative fuel sources while still feeding the world.

Agribusiness, Biodiesel, Soybean

RSS Feeds From CHS

Chuck Zimmerman

CHS, Inc.Although I usually get CHS news releases via email or the service they use to distribute them, now I’m going to get them directly via their new RSS feed. It’s part of their new media room on their website. I sure wish more companies would get with the program and invest a little into this. I’ll be glad to help if you’ve got questions.
