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Check The Status of BASF

Chuck Zimmerman

BASF BASF just announced (pdf) that their Status herbicide has received EPA registration.

“We’re very excited to launch Status herbicide as the premier herbicide for broadleaf weed control in corn,” says Leon Duchene, Status Product Manager with BASF. “It offers superior control of tough broadleaves over the leading competitor while providing peace of mind with crop safety and simplicity.” The innovation of Status is based on three key components: active ingredients dicamba and diflufenzopyr, as well as a unique patented safener – isoxadifen. Together, these ingredients enhance control of all major broadleaf weeds in corn while setting a new standard in crop safety from BASF.

You can hear the story directly from Leon by downloading a sound bite right here: Listen To MP3 Leon Duchene (30 sec MP3)

Or you can listen here immediately: basf-status-leon-duchene.mp3

Agribusiness, Audio, Corn