RFA Ethanol Podcast

Upping The PR Staff At O&B

Chuck Zimmerman

Osborn & Barr CommunicationsThose folks at Osborn & Barr are still adding to the fold. They also like to send out releases announcing a whole bunch of new folks (or ones getting promoted). So I’ll try to cover them all in one post.


AAAA Conference Blogged

Chuck Zimmerman

No image here. I know I usually have something but you just don’t always have to. I hope you got something out of my blogging the Ag Media Summit. Love to know what you think. I will still have some content to present when time allows. As I was checking my feeds tonight I came across a link to an interesting blog you might want to visit. It was pointed out on Adfreak. They turned me on to Russell Davies, an account planner. He just blogged the AAAA Account Planning Conference in Chicago. Looks like he did a good job. I can relate!


Monsanto’s YGPL Root Reports Hit The Airwaves

Chuck Zimmerman

MonsantoThis isn’t the first year they’ve done it but they’re doing it a little differently this year. That is they’re using ZimmComm to pre-record interviews with growers and technical representative for a series of radio reports. They’re Osborn & Barr for their client, Monsanto, and the reports are about YieldGard Plus with a focus on corn plant root conditions.

Agencies, Agribusiness, Audio