2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

NCGA Celebrates Soil Health Partnership Progress

Taylor Truckey

The Soil Health Partnership was initiated by the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) and announced at the Commodity Classic just two years ago. During the Soil Health Summit in Indianapolis last week, NCGA CEO Chris Novak gave us an update on the progress of the Partnership and the impact that it has had within the industry so far. “It’s exciting …

Ag Groups, Conservation, Soil, Soil Health Partnership, Sustainability

FFA State Officers Return from South Africa

John Davis

Seventy-five FFA members from 23 states have returned from a 12-day educational and cultural experience in South Africa. This news release from the group says they participated in the 2016 International Leadership Seminar for State Officers, an experience that allows FFA members to experience foreign culture, learn about international agriculture and become more knowledgeable of the global marketplace. The group …

Ag Groups, FFA, John Deere

Soil Health Summit Starts Today

Chuck Zimmerman

My current home is the Alexander in Indianapolis where the Soil Health Partnership is about to kick off the 2016 Soil Health Summit. Cindy attended the first one last year. It’s my turn this year. I’ll be sharing interviews with staff, supporters and farmer who are participating in the organization’s work. Here’s what the SHP 5 year initiative says: Over …

Ag Groups, Conservation, Environment, NCGA, Soil, Soil Health Partnership

Bipartisan Child Nutrition Reauthorization Passes Senate

John Davis

There’s not a lot that Republicans and Democrats can agree upon, especially in this election year, but a bipartisan bill that reauthorizes vital child nutrition programs brought them together. Senate Agriculture Committee officials say the “Improving Child Nutrition Integrity and Access Act of 2016,” reforms and reauthorizes child nutrition programs under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act and …

AFBF, Ag Groups, Food, politics

NCGA Gains Insight During Priority and Policy Conference

John Davis

Members of the National Corn Growers Association were able to gain some great insights during their recent annual Priority and Policy Conference held in St. Louis. This news release from NCGA says the meeting brought together a wide array of stakeholders for discussions on the direction and the future of the organization. “This meeting consistently provides a chance for NCGA …

Ag Groups, NCGA

Julia Debes Named Communication Director at NSP

Kelly Marshall

Julia Debes will now be serving as the communications director for the National Sorghum Producers.  She will be working as associate editor for the Sorghum Grower magazine and supporting the organization through public relations and marketing communications. Debes joins NSP with eight years of experience in communications and public relations, most recently operating her own business, North Homestead Communications. Before …

Ag Groups, NSP, sorghum

All About Spuds and Politics

Chuck Zimmerman

In this week’s program we will meet the CEO’s of the National Potato Council and the United States Potato Board. I met both of these guys while covering the Potato Expo last week for my first time. Let’s start our with John Keeling, CEO of the National Potato Council. We focused on potato policy issues which as you might guess …

Ag Groups, Audio, Potato, ZimmCast

Economist Reports to #AFBF16

Kelly Marshall

Weak crop prices and a dramatic decline in livestock prices lead to a decrease in the 2015 farm net income, according to an economist from the Federal Reserve Bank, Nathan Kauffman.  Since 2013 farm income has actually dropped by 55 percent, Kauffman recently told attendees of the American Farm Bureau Federation‘s 97th Annual Convention and IDEAg Trade Show. “I don’t …

AFBF, Ag Groups, Events

AGree Tells Prez Candidates to Focus on Ag & Food Policies

John Davis

A coalition of stakeholders in the food and agriculture systems is urging the presidential candidates to focus on the policies that can improve the health of America’s families, economy, farms and the environment. In this news release from AGree, the call includes a strategy for elevating food and agriculture as a national priority. “Many people don’t realize the degree to …

Ag Groups, politics

Spud Nation Food Truck Unveiled

Chuck Zimmerman

The United States Potato Board unveiled a new program today that’s taking after the finalists of the Spud Nation Throwdown Recipe Cook-off. They all operate food trucks. Now the Potato Board does too and it’s called Spud Nation. I will get more information about the vehicle when I talk with USPB CEO Blair Richardson this afternoon. In the meantime you …

Ag Groups, Food, Potato, Video